MN says hello


I’ve been organic gardening for over 10 years, and have learned SO MUCH about Korean Natural Farming, Jadam, and the soil food web in the last 4 years. If u wanna know how to spend little to no money on fertilizer, I’m your guy


New Member
Your expertise in organic gardening is impressive! I'm curious, have you experimented with incorporating Rhizophagus irregularis into your Korean Natural Farming or Jadam practices? I'm eager to learn how this beneficial fungus could further enhance soil health and reduce the need for additional fertilizers. Any insights or experiences you could share?


Your expertise in organic gardening is impressive! I'm curious, have you experimented with incorporating Rhizophagus irregularis into your Korean Natural Farming or Jadam practices? I'm eager to learn how this beneficial fungus could further enhance soil health and reduce the need for additional fertilizers. Any insights or experiences you could share?
I know that specific fungi helps with phosphorus uptake, so adding it to your soil would be really beneficial. Also, depending on the quality of your IMO collections, it may already be present!