Making the wick system +rep


Well-Known Member
ok, i'm a rep whore...

get some wicking type of rope like cotton? or nylon? them wicks for outdoor bug lamps work real well... but they aren't really long enough.

have like 2 five gallon buckets. drill several holes in the bottom of one. tie a knot in the 16 inch or so length of rope about 4 inches up.... place ropes through those holes dangling out about 3 or 4 inches. Place that bucket into the other bucket. Determine where the bottom of the top bucket is. Drill a one inch hole just below the top inside bucket through the sidewall of the bottom bucket. This is the reservoir, you can top feed (water) or water through the side of the bucket and just fill up the rez. Make sure the ropes that are suspended into the reservoir are well spaced throughout the soil growing media in the top bucket. Some ropes will wick better than others. You will want to further research that aspect. This setup will allow you to water less often.