mainline supercropping


New Member
I've got a sealed co2 room with a plant I'm mainlining. I've not been able to find anyone who's supercropped a mainline. Anyone know if it can be done effectively?


New Member
If you've mainlined correctly, super cropping isn't necessary. You would be flattening out the plants to the point where it may require additional lighting to cover the canopy.
If I need more lighting, so be it. I'm just curious if it could possibly make what stems are there beastmode. Just like helping the existing highways by expanding them. There is no bottleneck here in lighting or in nutrients so I'm just trying to help the plant go absolutely mental. What would happen if I supercropped the mainstem when the plant is 8-10" tall and then supercrop the upper stems when there are 8 colas and then continue with normal mainlining out to 16 or 32?

Or even, what would happen if I supercropped each new stem from each topping. I am limited in height so anything to keep the plant from growing up at all until I fill out the space horizonally would be nice.
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