lst with dental foss/tape


Well-Known Member
well i havent shown you guys my lst project. ive tied stuff down before and had great success, so for this sativa dominant lavender plant im bending it sideways and slowly working the main tip around the pot. i dunno if it will be possible or how far i can actually wrap it due to the first sets of branches are really gettin taller then the new growth. i think ill just keep tying those down as long as i can. all im using is cheap tape and cheap dental floss.its in FFOF and im using organic nutes and superthrive in distilled water.

i wanted to grow the plant out a little bit more but im switching to 12 12 in my tent since my other plants are gettin too big. and this is just my first run to figure out wat strains out of the 4 is gonna be a winner. iv already got 1 clone from each plant rooted in the aerocloner

hopefully my new 400w doesnt take long to get here!



Well-Known Member
man i cant fucking figure out how to make the gd pics bigger.

im outa about to throw my laptop against the WALL

o well, hopefully you all have reall reall big monitors haha


Active Member
i just click on insert image then upload the photo from my puter they allways come out normal size

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Floss can cut into the stems. Get a roll of Butchers string. A tru-value hardware store with a good cooking section should have it by the roll. Unfortunately grocery stores don't always have full rolls, but rather 10ft or so in a hank. Boutique culinary stores should have it too.


Well-Known Member
im using the flat plastic kinda floss. it seems to be pretty easy going on the stems, after the plant is locked into the shape i want. im going to take off all the tie downs and let it be bonzai looking. im was thinkin after it starts to show sex and has pretty obvious flowers would be the best time. any thoughts? im kinda expirementing with stuff to see what gives me the best yeild. my buku is a bush from being topped and topped. my b52 was topped but has one branch over all the others, probably be the biggest cola, almostl ike i never topped it. and then my was a handicapp'd clone lol. it had 2 main stalks from the way the guy had cut it and rooted it. so its almost going be like having to small topped bushes side by side.

will be interesting at least