Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Well-Known Member
Normally, I wouldnt do this. But, in *your* grow, I would! Remember how we talked about how the veg time was too long and that room inside the box would be an issue? It is now! :) Start trimming off some of those big fan leaves. The goal of doing this is to clean up your canopy a little bit. Cutting off fan leaves generally isnt needed, but in this situation they are going to be hurting your more than helping you. Take the biggest ones and try to take 30% of them out of the grow area. Toss em in the trash. It'll allow more air flow, more light penetration, and more bud for this run. There's always a heavy debate if cutting of leaves is helpful, and you may even see someone post here saying not to do it, but they are incorrect, you WILL get more bud if you chop some of them off now. Just the really big ones, is all. If the plants werent so gigantic in a small space, you'd not have to do this. Everything else looks great. :)
I would tend to agree with Kitty on this one, in this situation. And for the exact reasons she stated.

And yes, she means the big leaves.

I'm impressed with your plants though, under those flurries. Looking great.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
if you havent done it already just cut a few of the big leaves that are blocking light to budsites lol i wont even bother finishing this just do what rk said :bongsmilie:


Active Member
Damn, how I wish someone had said that 2 days ago. Now I have everything being supported close to the light. All the tops that can get light are getting light and are as close to the light as possible.
It is very difficult to work my way through the branches trying to remove large leaves now. Over the next few days I will remove some, but I am afraid to take it all down again to trim the leaves cause some tops are weak and I don't want to snap another one. I do however have a much better idea of how to do this for next grow.
The 75% feed has not bothered the plants one bit. I am sure now that the soils ferts have run dry. My remaining feedings will be at the full 100%.
We are getting very close now. My sample should be ready by the time I check in on them tonight. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm can't wait ;)

kush fario

Well-Known Member
basicaly imo as long as the plant isent dead its doing ok but im not a pro grower but its only cuz i dont have the cash or space


Active Member
Yes. Tasty. Nice head buzz atm. Didn't smoke my other bag all night lol.
I also just fed 100% nutes tonight. I have 1 or 2 feedings worth of nutes left, and about the same for the molasses. The end is very near. And I am so excited for my next grow. Deffinatly a LST at the start, followed by a scrog, which, if works out how it does in my head, it should turn out very nice. There is not much to see in pics atm. I think the next pics may depict a horrible slaughter. Bought my spring loaded trimmer yesterday. I am going to be so stoned while trimming just on the scissor hash alone lol. Humidity in the room and box is now at 40%.
I think I am all set to wait out the next week or two. I have read about flushing and have come to the decision that is it personal preference really. Some say it is smoother, some say it isn't. As of right now, I have nutes and molasses for 6-9 more days. I think it will work out perfectly.
Anyone have an opinion on the 36+ hours of darkness before harvest? I understand the science behind it, but does anyone have an opinion on the duration of darkness?


Well-Known Member
There is no science to a 36 hour darkness before harvest. It just has no impact, at all. Some strains like a 36 hour dark period going from veg to flower, such as Endless Sky. But, nothing with respect to harvesting.

When I harvest, we usually have a hundred or two plants to do at once. We start in the morning when the lights turn on, and end a few days later. :) Some of the plants get a lot of dark, some get clipped right from the light being on. There is no difference between either, whatsoever................


Active Member
It was my understanding that the bud production occurs during the lights off cycle, and that by giving them an extended amount of darkness just before harvest would stimulate the plants to produce more. Is that not true?


Well-Known Member
It was my understanding that the bud production occurs during the lights off cycle, and that by giving them an extended amount of darkness just before harvest would stimulate the plants to produce more. Is that not true?
Plants dont grow at night. If they did, we'd water and feed them. They cant photosynthesize without light. :) By the time harvest comes around, the plant has already had 55-65 or so dark nights to do its job. However, they will cure nicely while hanging up in a dark room for about 7-9 days while drying. The plant isnt dead once you chop it, its life cycle was already complete when you were halfway into the flowering cycle. If you left it in there longer the plant would simply deteriorate and be dead, as any annual plant.


Active Member
At what humidity level should said room be while the buds are drying for 7-9 days?
That's why I am here Kitty. So you can slap me when I am about to do something stupid... ;)
I have read several threads on the matter, but I will confidently take your word for it. No extended darkness before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Humidity while drying is easy, 30-50% or so works the best. I leave a fan on in the drying room, but not pointed at the nugs, pointed towards the wall. If you like, keep one or two plants in 36 hour of dark, harvest the rest. See if you can tell the difference! :)


Do you feel like youre a little attached to the plants? That is what I am afraid is going to happen for my first grow. I will not want to slaughter them.


Active Member
I saw and tended to these plants every single night but one during their life with me thus far. I would never intentionally hurt them. They will not feel a thing ;)
I have trimmed before, and after a while it gets daunting. But I don't have too much here this time. Other than that, I can't wait to snip away!


Do you water them at the beginning or end of the light cycle? Do you know if that really makes a difference? I am getting close to being ready. Very busy the last few days, but my weekend is completely open. My box will be done for sure. Picked up some Mylar to put around the sides of the box.
those look awesome man.. your doiung great for your first time i screwd up big time.. (didnt do any research)... but sure looks like you did.. keep those pics coming...


Active Member
I water at the beginning of the light cycle. Can't wait to see your box done m8! Tip! Make sure you screw all the cracks closed tight. Don't leave any gaps. This will help for the box being more air tight, but will also give mold 1 less place to hide. And I defiantly suggest painting the inside with mold resistant white paint... Bare wood would be a pain in the ass to clean.


Active Member
effin diesel plants man... they loooook puuuuuurrrrdy! cant wait to get the proper stuff to get my girl lookin good.. just thought i would stop by and see what you were doin and say howdy neighbor :) Love and peace, Joey Bozz