Looks male right? But way early or not?


Active Member
Hi Guys, just wanted an opinion or two, i know theres lots of them on this site!!

So...Either i am misunderstanding the lifecycle of plants or something else is going on here.

I Planted 5 plants outside at the very start of spring, so that was about 7 weeks ago now (26th August), before you ask i am not retarded, i live in Australia, we are just kicking into spring/summer now.
So these badboys are 7 weeks old, and i went out to top them this afternoon, and one of them seems to have what look a lot like male flowers already...
This is my first time growing from non feminized seeds, so i just wanted to make sure im absolutely right in thinking that the attached picture is of a male?

If it is, im thinking this is very early for the plant to be showing flowers, or signs of sex, its not even summer yet, i thought that this would happen just before the plants started to bloom, which wont be for like another 5 months outside? ive got the start of natural 12/12 light as being in march, so this plant should be just chilling hard in veg mode now right, or did i miss something...

Insert facts below....

Many thaimage (2).jpgimage (1).jpgimage (3).jpgimage.jpg


Active Member
But yeh , dumbass, I forgot which if the three I topped yesterday was the male and can't tell 100% so I'm gonna give him/her another week to grow some balls then pull it up. I'm pretty sure I know which one it is, the one which is noticeable bigger then the rest, but until I see the nuts no ones getting pulled! Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
But yeh , dumbass, I forgot which if the three I topped yesterday was the male and can't tell 100% so I'm gonna give him/her another week to grow some balls then pull it up. I'm pretty sure I know which one it is, the one which is noticeable bigger then the rest, but until I see the nuts no ones getting pulled! Thanks again!

just out of curiousity why did you go ahead and top if you had suspicion it was male?


Well-Known Member

  • ive got the start of natural 12/12 light as being in march,​

  • You put the plant into 12/12 light.... that is what happens.... You got a male.... Kill it... Kill it now....​
