Link to a sulpher plasma grow.....


Well-Known Member
Ate those the same type of lights? I thought the ones plasmargon was talking about were a new type.

Hey any of you guys who are interested in sulpher plasma lighting might check out this grow log. It's from a Dutch breeder (Sannie). He's trying them out as a test kinda........ seems interesting epecially about the high uv output of the lights. More uv equals stronger weed..


Well-Known Member
that dude was fucking around,

pretty much claiming that LUXIM, the company who holds all the i.p. on PLS was going to be releasing a version with a PAR tailored profile...

oh and with water cooling or some shit like that... but I wouldn't count on it. Indoor horticulture is not a priority, when much more money is to be made scoring sales in legitimate industry applications, where PLS is going to be huge.