Lighting on a budget and small scale (also sexing tips)

ok so im going to grow weed, (shock shock horror)
ive got my seeds and thats about it,
i live in monitored housing and need to keep it completely out of sight, so ive been reffered to pc grow bays..
$700, enough said,

i want to grow one single plant at a time and i dont feel its worth investing in that much equipment.

what i planned to do was just buy a 60 watt lamp and buy a large flourescent bulb,
but ive heard thats not good enough,?

ok so how can i get a small scale lighting unit for my needs? literally for growing one plant under!


ok i am going to use 2 of my seeds and just plant them in my shed untill i can correctly sex them before moving my lady luck into the grow area, i will leave the male outside in the shed, (dont plan on breeding)
is this a good idea? will the absence of flourescent lighting stop the plants growth later on in life?
+ any tips on sexing?

im a complete noob i know, any other tips you think i should know just shout them at me..

i love you all my loveable stoners.