Lighting for a SoG grow box.


So I'm planning on having a SoG grow in a grow box and I have no experience in lighting for SoG, so I need some help. I will be running small Auto strains.

The dimensions are: 30in tall x 18in wide x 24in deep / 2.5ft tall x 1.5ft wide x 2ft deep. (3 sq ft)

Would a 200wCFL bulb (~9,000 lumens / ~3,000 lumens per square foot) work fine? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If you're going to SOG with CFL's, I would think a bunch of small ones would be better, than one large one. Regardless, you'll have lots of heat to deal with in that small space. How are you planning on handling that?


If you're going to SOG with CFL's, I would think a bunch of small ones would be better, than one large one. Regardless, you'll have lots of heat to deal with in that small space. How are you planning on handling that?
The box would be 3 square feet and a little under 3 feet tall. There would be an internal circulation fan along with a decent CFM exhaust system with carbon filter. The box would be in a home with extremely good insulation; so the temperature of the air going into the box would be about 70F pretty much all year round, maybe even cooler.

If I had that 200w 2700k flowering CFL, I'm not sure how many plants I would be able to run since I dont have experience in the SoG method. I know with CFLs you generally want 100w for the first plant and 50w per additional (at least) but this does change since this would be a micro SoG grow.