Leaves yellowing too fast


Hi everyone hope someone can help,im 5 1/2 weeks since switching to 12/12 and one my plants is yellowing from bottom up with brown edges,top leaves look green but yellowish and drooping,flushed it 5 days ago and fed nutes yesterday with 1/2ml/l veg nutes and 5ml/l bloom nutes and calmag 1ml/l ph is 6.5 400w hps temps are 28-30 lights on 20 lights off 3gal fabric pots im worried im gonna run out of healthy leaves if this keeps going as it is,think i still have about 4 weeks flowering left and theyre yellowing fast.any help would be appreciated thanks20180210_202949.jpg 20180210_202717.jpg



Well-Known Member
Did this start after you flushed it five days ago? Or was it already starting and you flushed it? Its looks very N deficient. Its hard to say wih the hps on as it all looks mustard yellow. Would you mind snapping a pic with the light off? Can you also shoot a side pic? Is like to see how tall that plant is in that pot.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Too much P to early!

Many nutrient lines cut the N and raise the P too much in bloom.

Feed the veg nutrient for the first 2 weeks of bloom.
Mix the veg and bloom 50:50 for week 3 and go full on bloom at week 4.

That problem will go away next time....

Look guys and gals. Stupid high P in bloom, isn't really needed. Mid bloom rise is good. Not so much early on. Temper that early use of P.

The lollypoping is ok....Do what works for you.


Sorry it started before i flushed,i read it could be n deficient too thats why i gave it some veg nutes i only carried the veg nutes about a week into flowering,yeah theyre in dark just now will get a new photo once light comes on,and no i dont think all that lollipopping was necessary to tell the truth i had a friend help me as this is first grow but i think hes took too much off,if i knew it was gonna stretch so much at the switch over i would have put them in bigger pots and not took so many leaves off,but after reading replies my friend said to feed them pk boost 14/15 from 2 weeks which now i think is wrong and it could be too much p too quickly,i have side on photos with lights on i will put them up and see but tall one is over 5 foot in 3 gal pot :( do you guys think theyll be ok or savable? Thank you20180208_210211.jpg 20180208_210206.jpg


Would it help if i got bigger pots and put the fabric pots inside them? Read the roots would grow through the pot into the bigger one or am i too late for that? Feeling a bit worried now


Well-Known Member
If it's a sativa and your in week 4 and most of your leaves aren't green anymore........ You've got problems.

You have a long way to go and not alot of wiggle room for fuckups

Your on this ice pal, those leaves are like an Armour for your plant . Lollipoping and defoliating should be only heavily used like this if your experienced and know your not going fuck up.


Its skunk#1 think its more indica dominant sensi seeds said 8 weeks so im thinking another 4-5 weeks to go,yeah im really not sure what step to take next or just let them take theyre course and see what happens i dont have enough knowledge or experience so far,no soil with 30% perlite feed every 3rd day or when pot is light,and they get plain water with calmag every 3rd feeding,do you have any suggestions as what to do next?thanks


The smaller one is all green still same nutes same size pot and is like it has slight nute burn with burnt tips but taller one seems the opposite if thats any help lol


Thats no bother man thanks just gonna give them small dose of veg nutes along with bloom and calmag and leave pk boost out just now and see how they come on,all i can think of doing just now,gutting cause they grew so well untill the stretch stopped :(