leaves dying fast, tiny bud leaves aswell, lets throw around some thoughts


Well-Known Member
So, I recently had spider mites(2 days ago) and sprayed with "dead red" which leaves a residue on leaves for 7 days preventing bugs sucker to be able to penetrate plant, starving mites to death in hours. This appears to have been very sucessful as no sign of life now. Perhaps I sprayed too much and this is contributing to foliage death... fucks me :?

Check out pics and let me know what you think, day 48 flower, unknown strain, 600 hps, first grow, my others turned hermie prob coz of stress

Any input appreciated

oh, I started flush today and shall harvest in about 10 days or so, I shall soon see what 2 day old "dead red" tastes like in a reefer :joint: :spew:


Active Member
If your concerned about chemicals try fly paper next time.
It works great for me, I got it at the local hardwear store.


Well-Known Member
what's fly paper? I'm assuming its some type of sticky material that flies stick to??
I gather that's what ya mean going by crazies comment, ummmmmmm seems pretty useless doesn't it. Thanks though, maybe I'm wrong and its not what I think.
I'm not worried about chemicals really, just that I picked some bud off her b4 and it would not have had time to dissipate and I'm about to taste it.

The dead red stuff is fine to use aparantly as long as not within 7 days of flower, for obvious reasons I will soon find out, let ya know if I get a headache lol

............................Tell me thoughts people, too many people read and don't post... including me but your not like me, so lets hear it.........................

Thanks papa


Active Member
Yeah fly paper is for catching flies. I must have been high.
Anyway I'm new here and I have my first two girls going strong. About 2 weeks till harvest.
I had something in there that flies, fruit fly or knat maybe, but the fly paper is catching them all.


Active Member
Oh man... don't get me started on spider mites! I hate those little bastards. You can look away for a second and have your crop ruined. :spew:

Specially for a puritan like me, I hate to use chemicals. I'll have to remember the fly tape thing. :mrgreen:


Active Member
hmm... you need to have a pest management program. the goal is to spot them early. I use neem oil which seems to help keep the buggers away. GL


Active Member
also keep in mind that when your plants go into flowering, they get a lot of the nutrients that go into bud production from the existing leaves. its normal to see the surrounding leaves begin to wilt/die a little, but it looks like its sucking them dry to me. probably add some bud bloom nute in the first week of harvest next time. this is a lot of trial and error as everyone's setups usually differ. too many variables.