Kaboom double sprout


Well-Known Member
So I finally picked up some TGA seeds, in the form of kaboom. I popped four of them on wednesday and today I find that one of them has two stems and three cotyledons. pretty weird to look at.

A question I have though, is will this seedling actually grow up to be able to produce flowers or should I just get rid of it now, if it's not going to do anything. I've never seen this happen before, altho, I have heard of it. I was just wondering if it's any good.



Well-Known Member
Most likely the weaker stem (probably the stem with one cotyledon) will die off. Dont kill it, could be a female......


Well-Known Member
Or you could just carry on feeding it and just wait and see what it turns into out of plain old curiosity, could be a dud/freak or could be a super freaky looking wonder plant lol


Well-Known Member
I had a set of these "twins". One survived and the other didn't. It would be really cool if they both survived. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have twins. If you are extremely careful you can separate them.
I don't think that I can separate them. I germinated them in a paper towel and there was only one tap root when I put it into soil, so I'm pretty sure that they are sharing the same tap root.


Well-Known Member
a week later, and you can see that one of the shoots is much more dominant. however, both seem to be quite healthy still if not a little mutated.

