Is my Super Soil mix killing my plants or is it something else?


Well-Known Member
So this was the soil mix I used... it sat for almost 60 days before being used.

I went a way for a week last week and come back to this problem. The plants were in a bit worse shape. I've cleared out most of the burnt foliage. I thought it was because I had the light too close but its been close for almost 4 weeks now. Doesn't make sense it would be a heat problem but I raised it a bit anyway.

It might have gotten up to 90 degrees while I was gone. Figures Oregon summer would show up when I was gone and couldn't keep my eyes on the room temps.

Things were flourishing just a few weeks ago as you can see in my grow journal in the link below. When I left a week ago my plants looked just like my latest video.

Temps while I have been here have been no more than 84 for any extended period of time and no lower than 69. Humidity has been around 40-60%. I have only been watering every 7-10 days.

Please check out my pictures below and let me know what you think. Was it my light? Is the mix too hot? Is there a humidity problem? (odd curling up of the leaves in some of the pictures). Overall I think the garden looks OK right now but I am worried this problem is going to continue and will have no choice but to ride it out. +Rep for any help given. Thanks a ton!



Active Member
i would attribute that to heat, causing the plants to dry out quickly, raising the ppm's.
most slow release organic fertilizer is released faster at high temps.
to fix this i would try watering slightly more often and raise the lamp, or get more fans, both oscillating and extraction.

what kind of light do you use? what have you been watering with? how far is said lamp from the canopy?


Well-Known Member
is it possible they have simply ran out of food? scorching can be caused by potash deficiency. what size pots are you using? how much s.s. did you put in the pot?


Well-Known Member
Just measured, center plant is 20 inches away from the 1000w HPS, it was maybe at 15 inches before I raised it, was going by the "hand isn't hot method". I added another fan at floor level. I am using 7 gallon buckets so I dont think they are out of food. I put half if not slightly less than half SS in each bucket. Water is tap, aerated 24/7 in a 50 gallon water res. I aim for PH between 6.5 and 7. The portable AC extracts at a pretty decent rate when on and I have a can fan on a filter going 24/7.

Thanks for the quick replies.


Active Member
Looks like a K deficiency to me. Heat too. In the summer, I believe you should raise your lights siginficantly more than in the winter. I keep a good 3-4 feet of distance. Yeah, they streach a bit but thats ok if you have room. Esp with digilux bulbs. highly recommended


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand how it can be a heat issue. The room rarely gets over 83 degrees and is mostly at 80 or just below. I'm also not understanding how it can be a deficiency with everything I added to the soil. I am am getting a lot of "too much salt" in the plant problem forum. I guess that makes some sense with how my plants look but where the he'll did the salt come from? I thought that really only comes into play with chemical ferts. Something I havent used at all. Just been adding water. My only guess is that there was something other than water in my rain barrel I bought. I have drank out of my res and I taste nothing suspect though. I really don't know what to do. I have also been told that flushing will do no good with super soil, is that true? I'm thinking of buying a bunch of distilled water today and flushing the hell out of them. If the salt build up is foreign then that should at least help right? I'm going to get a new water res as well. This is so frustrating to not know what the problem is... Thanks for the suggestions so far...


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have any ideas? Sub? I know you are out there. Someone anyone with some more help, feel like I'm shooting blind... Thanks.


Active Member
you havent used anything but water?
maybe the combo of low humidity, and lack of water?
but that would only apply to you if your plants got thirsty during a hot spell.
if i was in your shoes i would flush lightly, then water with a very mild molasses drank. (1tsp/gallon tops)
what was your Res used for before you recommissioned it?
is your A/C pointed at the plants?
how do you cycle Chlorinated water thru your de-chlor barrel? do you use it all then re-fill?


Well-Known Member
Res was bought on CL guy told me he just had water in it but I'm not sure now. It the only thing that I haven't had full control over. I watered last night frm a fresh fill up and aeration. I'm tossing the res when I get home and buying a new garbage can to use so I'll know for sure it's clean. I run a large airstone at least 24 hours before watering to deal with the chlorine. My AC is pointed upwards and not directly on the plants. Since I already watered should I wait until I flush? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have come to the conclusion that my soil is too hot, I didn't use Roots as my base and I used a N heavy guano, I think that's the ROOT of my problem so to speak, such a bummer too, they were doing so well. Oh well live and learn... My first child is due is about 70 days, think I may just flip the lights as planned and roll with the punches, start fresh next round. Thanks for everyone's help.


Well-Known Member
After tending to the garden tonight Im feeling much better about everything. It's really on such a small percentage of the over all garden, I think I'll be alright. Going to brew up some benies for the next watering (thanks kushking) and get a new res. The new growth tonight looks strong, branches are getting strong and pre flowers are showing. Glass is half full right?


Well-Known Member
I agree with myfather......lack of K.You said you didn't use the Roots soil,which is how SS gets it's K from what i understand.Do you have any thing with just K....maxi-crop seaweed is a good choice if not


Active Member
Did you use earthworm castings? Than is generally a big source of K I just learned from another SuperSoil thread here.


Well-Known Member
Not disagreeing about the castings but i would think there would have to be another source besides them.Could be wrong but i just don't see castings as an adequate source on it's own to supply enough K.

Any organic growing i have done has always had a good amount of castings added.I still had to sup K with other amendments.


Active Member

There's really a lot of information on the nutritional content of EWC. It has significant K, and more importantly, it is immediately available for plant consumption. So a little goes a long way. Based on what I'm reading. I don't work in a lab.

And let's not forget the K in the kelp that Roots adds.


Well-Known Member
Lol....guess thats why i have had to sup with a few grows,and some i didn't have to add any extra at all.

Would think that the grows i had to add K throughout my soil wasn't "alive" enough to do what had to be done???

And the ones i didn't have to add any i am thinkin i had a much better living medium??

I could be way off.....i'm i'll ponder it for a bit.