Is it possible...


Well-Known Member

Currently I must work with what I have and it is speedy boom auto ex. Speady gonzales strain from kanabia..

They say only 13 % of thc... So I guess that is under hps spectrum and I have cobs so can I expect little bit more % of thc with this spectrum.

Is it possible to upper thc % with better environmental that they have or what is on her gen doesn't let her go upper then that 13%...that rudelaris in her

And will that 13% have good effects or is it just to small amount of thc..I don't know how to formulete question exectly except will it fuck me up good

That plant is all I have right now and that shit small 13 % gives me worry that at the end I be disappointed



Well-Known Member
13% may not be impressive compared to some of today's high thc strains but years ago most strains i believe we're in the mid teens. So grow what you got and do your best...