Is It a Hermie


Active Member
I don't have a picture of the buds but they are covered with pods. When I cut the sugar leaves away I see pods. Its about an ounce or two so I'm not too happy if it can't be used. Can the hermie bud be smoked or processed in some other way or is it a total loss. Ouch. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
post a pic. I have had plants before I thought looked it but were not.

Yes, you can use hermie plant. Just lots of seeds. Some say diminished thc and maybe so but I had one harvest that went herm and it smoked okay.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
"When a form asks your race, enter in "Human"."

In Canada when asked what your nationality is the government expects you to say what country your family originated from. The first time about 25 years ago I put Canadian on a government form. Apparently at that time Canadian was not an exceptable answer:)


Well-Known Member
A pic would be cool.
I have visions of swollen caylx being
plucked out.

Probably not but you never know.


Active Member
I got a herm on my recent grow, found it was down to a light leak from my heater led,

Only seeded some of the buds, but I am smoking happily on her since…

What stage are you in flowering...


Active Member
I got a herm on my recent grow, found it was down to a light leak from my heater led,

Only seeded some of the buds, but I am smoking happily on her since…

What stage are you in flowering...
I harvested most of the crop. I still have a few clones from the original grandma's to trim and dry. Those buds were swollen and I assumed it was just another growth spurt. I'll take some pictures of them - glad to know they are smokeable and honestly they are the stickiest buds of the grow. Not all, but some. Have a happy St. Patty's day!

They look like the fourth picture here which is from Jerry at UK420 (borrowed) which he describes as caylx.
