if power goes out for 5-10 days will my flowering plants be ok?


Well-Known Member
there is a huge storm coming to hit the eastcoast and my buddy is flippin shit because he doesn't know if it's going to effect the plants? so here i am asking will the plants that are in 12/12 be affected by being in the dark for a prolonged time maybe 5-10 days? if so what can i do to combat this minus a generator?


Well-Known Member
You cannot do anything but wait the storm out, if there not dead keep them on 12/12 and count your blessings. You may not lose power although Sandy seems like a raving bitch!



Well-Known Member
move them outside? or near a window? 5-10 days is harsh, I'm bitching when it's an hour. good luck with that storm. I hear it's a big one.


In my opinion, if the plants are large enough, they'll make it..but will be stunted and stressed to hell. If they're relatively flimsy..I'd guesstimate a 20% survival rate. In both cases, this an unfortunate circumstance...Like hitting a deer with your car. I feel sorry for your buddy.



Well-Known Member
You always have sun you'll be fine put them ho's in a window during the day and your straight...


Well-Known Member
i go on trips once a month for 4 days ...leave my flowering plants sitin in the dark with fans and a dehum on...my buds actually get fatter in the dark