I need some with my plant


Well-Known Member
How much water should I use if I have it in a 3 gallon pot
Enough until you get a nice bit of run-off. I use 2 gallon grow bags and it takes me about 2 1/2 quarts of water to get almost 1 quart of run-off. Works good for me.

And leave the dang plant alone :) No cutting, no pruning, no touchy touchy!

Wait for it to get in some decent soil and get a decent light before you start messing with it :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, lightly, don't flood it out. You don't want to compress the roots.

After transplanting, just give it a nice light watering, and give it a few days for the roots to creep around.


New Member
Your plant is beautiful it is full green and attracted everyone . but now it needs too much care from you..After some time period it looks like more beautiful.