Huvega compared to Fulvex?

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
So I know fulvex has fulvic acid but can't list it. So it just lists that it's a magnesium supplement on the bottle. Works great and all, yada yada. So I picked up some Huvega made by organicare, and it says it's a magnesium supplement. Anybody know how it compares to Fulvex? Does it also contain fulvic acid? Anybody use this stuff before?

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
fulvex is Magnesium sulfate
I know. Huvega is too. But fulvex also has fulvic acid if you talk to any of their reps, or look at their videos. But because of government rules, they can't list it on the bottle. Just wondering if anyone is familiar with huvega and if it's a similar thing. I can just call the company on Monday I suppose, just seeing if anybody had any experience with it.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Everything I came across said the same thing. I got a big ol' bottle on clearance at one of the local grow shops, I couldn't resist the price. Figured it should make a good foliar spray. And I don't like the idea of Epsom salts in my soil mix so I figured I could throw the huvega in with every other watering or so to add in the magnesium.


Well-Known Member
aye u mix fulvex or huvega with ro water, kelp meal and crab or oyster shell let it sit for month or two then foliar feed once a week works wonders

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
aye u mix fulvex or huvega with ro water, kelp meal and crab or oyster shell let it sit for month or two then foliar feed once a week works wonders
Word! I've got kelp meal, would fish bone meal or liquid fish fertilizer work instead of the crab meal? I've got both.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
fish bone meal I would go with, foliar feed when sun is completely down
Sounds good I'll give her a go. Quick side note, if I spray neem oil as a pest preventive, I can still foliar feed right? Not at the same time..but like a few days after? Or would that wash off the neem oil and I would need to reapply?


Well-Known Member
should be good that way im no expert tho i did most of my foliar in veg before we had bug issues, mine happened in flower

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Word. Thanks for the advice. Ive got some in veg, some in week two of flower. No bugs, just wanna stay on top so they never show up!

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
They're just little guys! This is my fuck around room at home, so yield isn't really concern. I'm doing some soil mix experiments trying to figure out the subtle effects they can have on taste and potency. Guanos vs meals, fish fertilizers vs no fish fertilizers, etc. Mostly green cracks but amongst the littlest guys there's a couple critical mass and a Pakistan valley. DSC_0424.JPGDSC_0425.JPG DSC_0423.JPG


Well-Known Member
Sounds good I'll give her a go. Quick side note, if I spray neem oil as a pest preventive, I can still foliar feed right? Not at the same time..but like a few days after? Or would that wash off the neem oil and I would need to reapply?
it will wash away the neem. also the neem is an oil barrier so foliar feeding is not gonna be a really effective with neem on the leaf imo. if you're going to neem, follow it up with an aloe foliar/wash in 3 days, and then you can do your foliar product a few days after the aloe. the aloe is great for foliar, and will wash some of the neem away so when you do apply your other products they will be taken in better.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
it will wash away the neem. also the neem is an oil barrier so foliar feeding is not gonna be a really effective with neem on the leaf imo. if you're going to neem, follow it up with an aloe foliar/wash in 3 days, and then you can do your foliar product a few days after the aloe. the aloe is great for foliar, and will wash some of the neem away so when you do apply your other products they will be taken in better.
Would my local grow shop have aloe? I've only ever seen that shit in lotion lol. Thanks for the info! I have no experience with neem oil. In the past I would just spray with avid in veg and I would never have any pest problems but I'm trying to get away from the nasty pesticides.

Should I reapply the neem oil regularly for pest prevention? Do I apply in flower?