How long does it take you.......


Well-Known Member
So i always feel like i spend way too much time on any given task in my grow room/greenhouse and i wanted some input from fellow horticulturists on....

How long does it take you to.....

1 - apply neem/mighty wash/azamax etc?
2 - water 10 plants?
3 - cut down your plants?
4 - smoke yourself into doing it wrong?
5 - transplant 10 seedlings/clones?

Answer any or all. What i want is your input! feel free to add questions!

1 - ~ 2 hours for 20 plants maybe a little more
2 - 10 minutes
3 - normal run ~1 hour I strip all fans before chopping
4 - i do it all wrong even when im sober!
5 - 20 minutes maybe a 1/2 hr I use premixed soil


Well-Known Member
1. It takes me about 1 hr to hit up 2 10x10 greenhouses and 1 12x12 flower bed. My because I am already usedto the routine because I foliar feed every morni g and mist every evening.
2. To water 8 plants with nutes, 30-45 mins. Without nutes 10 minutes.
3. I run different strains so the harvests are pretty staggered.
4. 10 mins prior to task at hand. Accidentally gave big girl juice to seedlings a couple times. Oops.
5. Probably like forever lol. Naw, like 1 hr. I hate transplanting.


Well-Known Member
It used to take a long time when I did everything inside.
Now i mix soil in a hard pondliner outside
Where I dont have to be neat.
If im gonna spray a pesticide I try to schedule it for transplant so again Im outside not being careful.
Not everyone has that luxary but it greatly speeds up soil grows.


Well-Known Member
^Testicular atrophy. Lol.

20 plants 5' in diameter should take a while because that is alot of foliage to cover; and you want to try and cover each leaf top and bottom. I spray the bottoms of the leaves first and then the tops. A good atomizer helps too.


Well-Known Member
^Testicular atrophy. Lol.

20 plants 5' in diameter should take a while because that is alot of foliage to cover; and you want to try and cover each leaf top and bottom. I spray the bottoms of the leaves first and then the tops. A good atomizer helps too.
Like an hvlp spray gun.
High volume low pressure


Well-Known Member
I've got a Hudson fogger and it kicks ass. I love how it blows the leaves so I've always got good coverage. I've even started foliar feeding with it.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, sounds like a good deal. I foliar feed every day so that would be alot easier and faster. Wouldn't have to smell fish emulsion for a long time lol.


Well-Known Member
I've been feeding and spraying azamax at the same time lol. I also Use the fogger to spray perethrin at night. I blast the underside of my porch awning ... It's very satisfying to see the flies drop lol.

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Well-Known Member
1 - apply neem/mighty wash/azamax etc?
2 - water 10 plants?
3 - cut down your plants?
4 - smoke yourself into doing it wrong?
5 - transplant 10 seedlings/clones?
1 - Never used any of those products.
2 - About 20 - 30 minutes. Everything I do is under the cover of darkness.
3 - About 10 seconds/plant. Folding saw and into a trash bag it goes.
4 - I'm always 110% sober when it comes to my girls. I go about it "all business like"
5 - About 5 minutes/plant in ground. Prep my holes in advance. I get em in there and topdress em. Usually before a big rain so I don't have to worry about watering. In pots? Not long at all. Usually go from a 1 gallon strait into a 5 or 7 gallon nursery pot.


Well-Known Member
Please teach me?!?!?!?! i hate spraying and it takes me so long.[/QUOTE]
I got one of those back lack mister things that like pest control people use just pump it up and let her rip that helps me spray quickly like 20 minutes for 20 plants.


Well-Known Member
Takes me about 20-30 minutes to water 5 outdoor plants outside in 25 gallon pots. I mix my nutrients gallon by gallon though because I don't have a 5 gallon bucket and am too lazy to go buy one or think about other alternatives. Then I sit and smoke a cigarette for about 5 minutes and watch, hoping I will be able to see them growing before my eyes. They don't. I feel like they are starring right back at me like "What the fuck do you want us to do?"


Well-Known Member
I can't even keep track of time, but it's under an hour on everything for 3 outside pots. What takes me for fucking ever is the trimming part. Transplants takes me about 20 minutes, sometimes more cause it's hard for me to focus on getting everything together :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Takes me about 20-30 minutes to water 5 outdoor plants outside in 25 gallon pots. I mix my nutrients gallon by gallon though because I don't have a 5 gallon bucket and am too lazy to go buy one or think about other alternatives. Then I sit and smoke a cigarette for about 5 minutes and watch, hoping I will be able to see them growing before my eyes. They don't. I feel like they are starring right back at me like "What the fuck do you want us to do?"
fuck a 5 gallon bucket. I use 18 gallon totes. Can mix more solution Just has to stay put. Aint no carrying that thing when its full lol


Well-Known Member
For the last 3 years I mixed a 5g for every plant and let me assure you... it was the gay. This year I'm mixing in a 50g horse trough and pumping that shit... it's the win.

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