Hey guys i need help


Hey i got 2 baby plants 1 pinapple express and super silver haze i toped one and the leave started to turn yellow plzz help can u guys let me know what i did wrong Picture 004.jpgPicture 006.jpgalright well i have them growing in my colset its like around 16 feet tall and like 3 feet across. right now im useing my grandapas soil it has horse shit i think. i heard it good fertalizer but im not sure im thinking of transplanting it to a pot that has mircal grow need some soil brands can any of u guys give me some info ???


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I see you're new, typically when you have a problem it helps if you give your entire grow details, water regimen, nutes, lights, soil, etc. Someone will ask you for that anyways.. so just a heads up.

Either way, I can't tell you exactly what the problem is. The only advice I can give (without all the info mentioned above) is that you should just wait and see if the new growth turns to a normal green, sometimes new growth is a bit pale but as the leafs come out and form the color becomes a rich green. If there is a problem is has to be something you've just changed because the old growth seems healthy. If they don't fill out with the right green I guess some fertilizer is needed; half strength with a N rich fert and work your way up.


Well-Known Member
Oh ya i have the light cycle 12/12 u thin gi should have them 16/8
12/12 is for flower. Usually you want to give at LEAST 4 days to a week under 18/6 and hopefully longer to let it heal. anything under 14/10 will cause flower (normally) and you want it perfeclty healed so i tcan focus on flowering instead of the stress of healing in flower. That being said I hear that yellowing is a nute issue, but I too am a newbie student of the bud, so i really couldn't tell you for sure unfortunatly. Why do you have them in 12/12 at that height?


Active Member
8/7/2035 wow thats crazy the time travle may have thruin them a little stress, nute schedule is what we need.

Horse shit is very high in nitrogen stay awayfrom that shit, try cow shit sparenly, MG is good use the soil not poting mix, and dont use thier stick either but their all purpose plant food is good i can say that at .5 stregth or less everytwo weeks in my schedule.

my gues is nute burn from what ever yo put in the poor thing


alright man my plant is only like 3 or 4 weeks old and it look like a it has seeds on it . what should i do to it i thing ita a male should i pull it ??