Hempy is not for me....Problems!


Well-Known Member
I am growing in 4.5 Hempy buckets for my mother plants. The strains are Dinafem Critical +, THC seeds THC Bomb, Emerald seeds Mastodon Kush and Delicious seeds Critical Sensi star. The C+ was polanted 8/15 and the others on 8/27. I am only use to growing in RDWC/UC. For my mothers I wanted to use Hempy buckets which is a first. The C+ is having major issues the other plants were showing signs of being over watered a few weeks ago so I cut back and the recovered. Once I started letting the medium dry out more the started getting nute burn BAD! I never fed over 485 ppm that's with my 75ppm tap water and Dyna Gro grow with ProTek. I ordered the Tropf Blumat system, Air pots, and Coco Coir. Would it be hard to transplant them to coco?



Well-Known Member
The 1st pic is THC Bomb, 2nd Critical Sensi Star which I fimmed, 3rd Mastadon Kush and the last 2 are C+. I apologize for the long winded post. Thanks in advace + rep as always for good info.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hesitate to transplant. I never do hesitate though. I took a clone from dirt to see if the net from the damned peat plug had been removed. It was gone so I put her back in the dirt. Flowering now mind you and a month into it. Then thought of my first 5-gallon DWC I had finished making the day before. Got it inside, filled with RO pH adjusted to 5.5 water at 8 PPM, added some AN Sensi Bloom at 1/4 strength and dug the clone back up. Less than an hour after transplanting her. Got a coffee can full of warm tap water and bathed the roots entirely free of anything organic. Put her in a homemade net basket, filled it with horticultural grade pumice and put her in it. Began raising the PPM by adding 5 ML A&B each morning and evening while checking my PPM each time. She began growing quickly once it got to 250 PPM! Kept adding until she was around 600 and she was happy, no nute OD. Gave her 2 shots of Bud Candy a few days apart and then left her alone. She had been through enough. I'm smoking her right now. If I can do it you can. Transplant. 8)


Active Member
I switched to hempy and love it. BUT if you're not careful you can burn your plants. A after a few weeks of fertilizing nutrients and salts build up in the bucket. The fix is that at the first sign of this problem in hempy (or a week before if you know its going to happen) start flushing.

Do this twice 3 days apart: dump large quantities of plain water in the hempy buckets and let them drain out. This will flush he hempys and keep your plants from burning.

Sometimes I have to flush twice a grow depending on how long the plants has to go and how big the bucket is.

Good luck

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Is that Miracle grow perlite?
Extra caution for roots when in flower.
Hempy is awesome.

MG perlite is preferted and meant to be amended in soil.Soak to leach out the MG perlite.Commercial grade chunkier perlite or hydroton is my recommendation.
In flower roots do not grow with veg vigor.When transplanting in Hempy I apply the RRR (rest roots on res) method.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is the MG perlite. It sucks that it burned my ladies up so bad. But in a day or two I will be putting them in coco. Should dump the hempy in a bucket of water to transplant?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Yes it is the MG perlite. It sucks that it burned my ladies up so bad. But in a day or two I will be putting them in coco. Should dump the hempy in a bucket of water to transplant?
I would transplant asap.Wether it would be to Coco or leached out MG Perlite.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to switch to coco, be sure to fill the rez up to the hole, with hydroton, perlite (not the MG) or other non- compressive medium.

It's the extra feeding you did that put the nutes over the top. I've never used MG perlite, but it might have worked. Gotta read those labels.


Well-Known Member
I will be sure to do that. I would be putting the plants in Super roots Air pots with Blumats. What is the best way to transplant from hempy perlite to coco air pots?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I will be sure to do that. I would be putting the plants in Super roots Air pots with Blumats. What is the best way to transplant from hempy perlite to coco air pots?
I would get a tub room temp water,and submerge Hempy in tub,and gently coax the roots out.meanwhile fanning perlite out of bucket.The roots can survive being under water longer than it would take to get it out.Then whatever you do with Coco,except for me I like Almond Joy.