Helpppppp had to move plants


so long story short our land lord asked to check our house for winter dammage…… we loaded everything up. equipment,PLANTS,etc. into a uhual….. it was fucking 5 degress outside……… thy were in the truck for about 3 hours…. i did the absolute best i could i wrapped the rootsballs in moving blankets and prayed for the best….. we got the landlord out and everything back in… but the plants were hella pissed…. super droopy frozen sad looking the plants against the sides of the uhaul seemd to freeze just what was touching the walls. i pruned as many of the damaged leaves as possible and they are back under lights doing their thing is there anything i can do to better them and hopefully get them bak ontrack as quick as possible… there at week 4 in flower ….. a

and btw im running 2 thousand watts and qrazy train x kaboom



im worried about getting bud rot i wish i had some pictures some of the leaves that i didnt prune are turning way darker almost black


Well-Known Member
Could be game over if the leaves froze. You'll know soon enough. May have to cut them way down and reveg for a bit if roots survived. Any cells that ruptured from freezing are lost and you can't bring them back. All depends on how much they froze. Bummer, fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
In the future don't forget you have the option to tell him their is no damage and you would rather he wait until winter is fully over if he doesn't mind..might have bought you the month you need if he isn't a pain


Well-Known Member
Or at last a couple Weeks to do the uhaul in the warmth...btw i would feel sketchy as hell moving that stuff to a truck and back