Help me with Topping Please


Active Member
I am very confused by "uncle ben's topping technique" + would like to be told if i am right here, very basic paint picture since i am rubbish on paint never mind with a touchpad...
The thing i get lost at is cut just above the "second true node"
Which is the true node, please explain by this horrible picture
Also another point at this picture you get the point the green thin lines are what i believe to be "true nodes" one plant is alot bushier than the others and it has 4 around the stem at the same point, is that both true nodes? where as the others are 2 left and right then higher up 2 front and back.
anyone who can give me the proper answer's so i only have to top each of these once to get the 4 main colas +rep much appreciated

one more thing, where the main stalk ends in the picture has 2 fresh leaves growing out of it, do you cut just above the node when a stalk has grown up there?


Well-Known Member
Ok look at the little "seed leaves" at the bottom, now look up to the set of leaves and baby branches above that, that is your first node. The set of branches and two leaves above that is the second node.

UncleBem explains that over and over again, it's really not that difficult.


Active Member
Why does the "first node" not come off onto a seperate stem then? do you really have to be so sarky fuck off and smoke crack if you're just gunna be a dick us stoners don't want idiots here this is a site to learn not to be treated like dicks


Well-Known Member
Why does the "first node" not come off onto a seperate stem then? do you really have to be so sarky fuck off and smoke crack if you're just gunna be a dick us stoners don't want idiots here this is a site to learn not to be treated like dicks
Seperate stem? I'd suggest you re-read Uncle Bens thread. You top the plant above the second node, and the 4 branches of the two nodes below the cut become your 4 colas you're looking for.

Not being a dick, just your exact question is asked a million times in that thread, so you obviously just didn't read through it very well and decided to try get an easy answer by starting the 1,000,001st "what is the second node" thread to get the answer the easy way.

Do you know what a "node" is?


Active Member
I'm confused as to weather a node is a stem with a leaf on or a node is two stems with leafs meeting on the main stem


Well-Known Member
when you see leaves of 3+...then its top time...I do mine at 2nd/3rd node...

some will say 4th...but I do fast veg (5-15days) then to 12/12..


Well-Known Member
I'm confused as to weather a node is a stem with a leaf on or a node is two stems with leafs meeting on the main stem
Usually you only get two branches and two leaves per node, if you let it grow it 4 or 5 nodes you'll see where to cut if you follow what I said above, my guess is you're trying to rush a young plant and the nodes are too tightly packed for you to see where to cut yet.

Again as I said, forget the seed leaves, then the two branches/leaves above that is node one.


Well-Known Member
3+ leaves? one of my plant's has like 10 i thought this would make it 5 nodes
He means 3 bladed leaves. Ok look at the seed leaves, above this should be two leaves on opposite sides of the stem with two branches growing out from where the leaves join the stem...node 1.

Above this there should be a gap then another set of leaves with branches where the leaves join the stem, this is node 2. Cut through the gap between this and the 3rd node to top for 4 colas...I can't explain it any simpler than that.


Active Member
Yes i understand now, 3 bladed leaves and not 3 leaves,so i let it grow to having 6 nodes then cut it just above the 2nd node and it will bush our really well? will it grow back more nodes quicker than before?


Well-Known Member
Yes i understand now, 3 bladed leaves and not 3 leaves,so i let it grow to having 6 nodes then cut it just above the 2nd node and it will bush our really well? will it grow back more nodes quicker than before?
The only thing it will really do is give you a more horizontal profile than a vertical one. If you want it to REALLY bush out, top above the second node, let the 4 branches grow, then when these branches all have 3 or 4 nodes each, top them above the 4th node.