HELP!!! I have 11days to DRY&CURE enough to store for 6 strait days. HELP!!!!


Active Member
I am flying home for Christmas, and unfortunately thats when my crop finishes. So I will be decreasing the light by 2hrs the 5th week, and another 2hr for the 6th week because i HAVE to harvest on the 7th week. NO CHOICE. My strain finishes 50-55 days and does this consistently so Im okay to pull the plug on the 7th week. Matter of fact Im also going to turn the lights completely off for the last 24hr. So if all goes well the ladies will be nice an mature by week 7. Im in Clay Grow!t Pellets, smart pots, sitn on an Ebb an Flow table. They were flipped to 12/12 when 8'' tall, and have never been topped, I'm not even lollypopn them (nothin to put off flowering). SOG style.

I will have exactly 11 days to dry and cure out this crop enough for it to be safe to jar them for 6 days strait while im away!

What do I do? I have never been the best at curing my weed. It always smells good for 3 days or so once i jar them then they smell like grass clippings or hay. Normally I dry them in a spare bathroom with a osculating fan and carbon filter. The humidity is around 30% or less, temps with in reason like 75-80F. They always dry in about 4 days, then i clip em off the stem and into jars and burp them every 12 hrs until i feel they can be left unopened so about 3-5days of burping.

NOTE: I normally trim them down to the bare nug at harvest, Is this bad? How much do you take off and when?


I now know that the longer you dry the better like keeping humidity around 40-50%, and hanging the whole plant with some leaf on to protect the nug. Then after 1.5-2 weeks of drying you give them the final manicure and maybe brown bag em for a bit depending on how dry, then jar them until they sweat then dump them back out to dry some more and re-jar them and repeat until no more sweating.:shock:

Thats all and well for my next crop, BUT WTF SHOULD I DO WHEN I ONLY HAVE 11 DAYS THEN WILL BE GONE FOR 6 DAYS STRAIT. IT WILL! KILL! ME!!!!! IF I COME HOME TO A POUND OF MOLDY SHIT SMELLN MEDICINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss::wall: :spew:



Well-Known Member
You jar too soon, more dryin and less burpin, that dont mean dry it fast mon it means dry it slow but dry enought to jar...Mon's is dried SLOWLY in 7-10 days and by then don't really need to be burped always smells like it should.



Active Member
how about drying them by hanging after cutting the leaves off as long as you can, then wrapping in paper towel rolled out flat thin layer weed and place into a large container to dry with enough air to make it ok?,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I need more opinions so i can collaborate everyones advise into one solid plan;)

Mon has dried over 50lbs in the last 2 years, mon jus don't have time to be burping tons of jars......You leave it hanging longer but let it dry slower, always dank with lots of smell. IMO if you must burp thats because the weed is moist then you jarred it too early and mon think this ruins flavor and smells. When mon was a total noob and dried less, mon used to freak out and go OMG its getting too dry and jar it only for it to be moist and have to be burped over and over and it was not tasting or smelling like it shd.

You said u dried in 4 days but it either was not really as dry as you thought and/or you are dryin it too fast, mon would just try to dry it a little slower and leave it hanging until the day before you leave, check for moistbuds before you leave, but if they hang dry for 10 days you shd be good to go.

Mon said it once & mon say it again, people who must burp their jars over and over because it is moist JARRED too soon and plant prob could have stayed hang dryin for a few more days.


Well-Known Member
Mon has dried over 50lbs in the last 2 years, I don't have time to be burping tons of jars......You leave it hanging longer but let it dry slower, always dank with lots of smell. IMO if you must burp thats because the weed is moist then you jarred it too early and I think this ruins flavor and smells. When I was a total noob and dried less I used to freak out and go OMG its getting too dry and jar it only for it to be moist and have to be burped over and over and it was not tasting or smelling like it shd.

You said u dried in 4 days but it either was not really as dry as you thought and/or you are dryin it too fast, I would just try to dry it a little slower and leave it hanging until the day before you leave, check for moistbuds before you leave, but if they hang dry for 10 days you shd be good to go.

I said it once I'll say it again, people who must burp their jars over and over because it is moist JARRED too soon and plant prob could have stayed hang dryin for a few more days.

I agree! if you cant smoke it when you think its dry its not dry.

TO: westcoastmaster

The cure is only supposed to allow the small amount of moisture in the stem/center to be released (as well as break down chlorophyll and convert sugars)

However if you have timers like every grower should all you need to do is hook up your fans to it and set it to turn on and off every 1-6 hours depending on strain/RH/cfm of fans/ temp

Ill be posting a thread about this way today so check it out!

You too 420mon!


Active Member
Just let them grow the 11 extra days. Then the day before you leave cut them down and hang dry while your gone. You can extend the dry time by not trimmng and hanging the entire plant.
I like this idea, i will do this if they don't look ready by week 7. ummmmmm......... maybe if i don't gradually decrees light to force em to finish on time but keep the solid 12/12 then 24hr of dark then like you said cut em and hang em whole. Deal with them when i get back. I like it! Thank you!!!


+rep bro!