Growing old seeds


Well-Known Member
i have been given the opportunity to grow some seeds. there are different ones in some paper. ghani, unknown, and thai stick. they are from 81. the thai im not doing because there is only four of them and id like to make sure that the gentleman wants them used. i chose the 3 ghani to germinate since their was about 30 or so. some of them are open and completely dried out, but i decided to keep them anyway lol.

my question is has anyone had luck germinating seeds 30+ years? im aware that many will not pop. i have my girls for this year already and just wanted to grow a few of the old ones and possibly pollinate a few branches to "mix" things up and somewhat continue with an older strain.

Thanks in advance


Wait wait wait....the seeds are 32 years old? from 1981? I think it's less about "many not popping" and more about "you'll be lucky if any do at all."