Gotta pass a drug test, anyone know where i can get whizzinator like product?


Well-Known Member
Sweat bro sweat. Put a trash bag on as a shirt,some fukin sweat pants,and a pair of shoes you can run in,then go jogging haha.After drink lots of water, and ur cranberrry juice.If its hot enough, by he first or second try u will have sweated that shit out. or I gess you could go in a hot sana also known as sweat lodge. Good luck man, hope you keep your welding career.


Active Member
Sweat bro sweat. Put a trash bag on as a shirt,some fukin sweat pants,and a pair of shoes you can run in,then go jogging haha.After drink lots of water, and ur cranberrry juice.If its hot enough, by he first or second try u will have sweated that shit out. or I gess you could go in a hot sana also known as sweat lodge. Good luck man, hope you keep your welding career.

drinking alot of water day or days befor the test is stupid, the reason it orks is because the amount of water per thc molecule count is alot lower, but if they can check for dilution in some test. it doesnt get ride of it, it can even make it stay in your system longer sometimes


Well-Known Member
i love people like this, NOT.. OMG, you did something i don't like?? zomg, better watch out or i'll sue you.. see you in court bro.. w/e..
but back to the topic kind of, you can't sue a private company for having their own practices in place.. if they don't want to hire you for having thc in your system, that's on them... not a damn thing a lawyer can do about it though.. is it complete horse poop, of course it is, but not much you can do about it, other than suing of course, smh..

to the op, i do believe whizzinator got shut down, but they're are plenty of new co's out there that sell a whizzinator, just under a different name.. i have 2 of them.. also look for a product called quick fix, synthetic urine by a co. called urine luck of all things, lol..
i've used quick fix a good 15 x's or so and pass with flying colors everytime.. just keep it in the right temp. range and you'll be good to go.. some co's will even overnight the quick fix to you, for a pretty steep price mind you, but it's well worth the coin if you're in a bind and don't have any alternatives imvho.. :D

A lot of it has to do with insurance as well.

OP I think someone already mentioned your local head shop


Well-Known Member
It's all to do with insurance. The last company I worked for before going self employed did random drug tests. For some strange reason my Supervisor would call me the night before and transfer me to a location that had already been tested. Every single time.
He knew I smoked and I knew he knew after the second time it happened. This went on for over 5 years and I never took a random test. I was fortunate enough to be considered valuable because I was very good at my job and had a perfect safety record.


bud bootlegger
A lot of it has to do with insurance as well.

OP I think someone already mentioned your local head shop
yes indeedy, that's why a lot of jobs will test you after an injury, something about insurance co's not wanting to pay if you come up hot.. complete horse poo as you could have smoked over the weekend on your hours off and still come up hot..


Active Member
You gotta let me know if it works. My dream job just became available. I smoked last night, my oldest bro was here for 2 weeks so no pot. Now the dream job and I smoked! You have to let me know.

will do, most likely just going to use my brothers piss for the test


Active Member
got a 5 pack of ultra sensitive Tests in, and i couldn't figure out why i was testing positive. Turns out, my plants resin on my skin = Positive for drug test. and it didn't occur to me till now when i pulled them out of the tent and one collapsed under its own weight, frantically trying to hoist it back up together unsuccessfully, the other 3 plants we're holding that one upright. and now my forarms, forhead, neck and hands are covered in resin. i quite literally took a shower in vinegar trying to get the resin off. probably will fail my test for sure now. FML.

oh, its in a week or so, so... yeah.

Once i get those fuckers back in the tent they are staying there for the rest of their lives. no more pulling shit out.


Active Member
got a 5 pack of ultra sensitive Tests in, and i couldn't figure out why i was testing positive. Turns out, my plants resin on my skin = Positive for drug test. and it didn't occur to me till now when i pulled them out of the tent and one collapsed under its own weight, frantically trying to hoist it back up together unsuccessfully, the other 3 plants we're holding that one upright. and now my forarms, forhead, neck and hands are covered in resin. i quite literally took a shower in vinegar trying to get the resin off. probably will fail my test for sure now. FML.

oh, its in a week or so, so... yeah.

Once i get those fuckers back in the tent they are staying there for the rest of their lives. no more pulling shit out.
like I said, the method I gave is the only method that is currently ahead of all drug test , ur home ordered test might not be up to current testing standards


Active Member
apple cider vinegar is good to clean your system out. I drank a few sips of that and it worked, also niacin helps clean you out too.