germinating with rapid rooter


hello ppl , im new to growing and this is my first grow. im using a rapid rooter and my seed has cracked and has an inch of taproot. Do i just leave it in the rapid rooter and put soil around it or do i need to take the seed out and put it in soil? Im worried if the roots can grow through the rapid rooter because it kinda looks and feels like a sponge. lol . thanks in advance for any replies... Charli33


Plant the whole thing; rapid rooter with the seedling, in soil in an appropriate size container such as a 16 oz plastic cup. Do not "take the seedling out" as the roots will indeed grow through it just fine.

Rapid Rooters are great for cuttings\cloning, not so great for starting cannabis seeds. Seeds ideally want a container at least 4" tall to give the taproot enough room to actually grow.


Well-Known Member
Nullis hit the nail on the head. get a 16Oz party cup and fill with soil and transplant the rooter plug into it.


Well-Known Member
Plant the whole thing; rapid rooter with the seedling, in soil in an appropriate size container such as a 16 oz plastic cup. Do not "take the seedling out" as the roots will indeed grow through it just fine.

Rapid Rooters are great for cuttings\cloning, not so great for starting cannabis seeds. Seeds ideally want a container at least 4" tall to give the taproot enough room to actually grow.
Rapid Rooters are great for everything> including weed beans.
I've had 95%+ germination on over 200 beans the past 10 years.

Once you have roots poking out the bottom plant the entire thing in your medium.
If you don't let it dry out too much or stay too damp> every plant will germinate.
If they don't germinate in a rapid rooter> It could be a bad bean or just grower error.

I used jiffy pellets + seedling mixes for years before I tried R.Rooters + neither are as good.


IMO nothing beats SAM#4 in a solo cup for seeds. Rapid Rooters for seeds is like a fancified paper towel method if you ask me; and this thread is a perfect example of this. The taproot needs more than an inch, which is what it gets with rooters, otherwise it'll just be hanging out the bottom shortly after the seed cracks.


I always use rapid rooters for seeds - better than other methods.

farmerjohn420 has a good video about planting using rapid rooters (this video is for planting after the seedling starts - he has another video showing how to start seeds in RR's).
How is it better than other methods? How is it any better than putting a seed in a 8-16 oz cup with potting mix, which it is going to end up in anyways?


Rapid Rooter is great for germinating. I've only been using them for the last couple years, but with a 100% success rate. I moisten it, throw the seed in. I pull a little part off of Rapid Rooter and plug the hole. I put a humidity cover over it, and a week later its ready to go into the pot. Its simple and easy.


So is putting a seed directly into soilless mix. Also, many seedlings are lost to damping off infections from too much moisture. I never use a dome and my seeds always do fine.


I had a good sucess rate with rapid rooters but i did have some of the seeds not grow straight up, they grew down in the rooter so i had to take em out and put them in dirt . Only 2 out of ten though. I germinated ten beans and all ten cracked but only 7 of the ten is healthy.. Im trying now to get the other three to come back... Although i think one is no help for it but the other two i think might make it... Although im not really do much (just leaving them alone) the plant is doing all the work lol.