Future Wyoming Grower


Active Member
Nice site!!! Lots of good info. I live in a state sandwiched between two states where medical MJ is legal. But not in my state. I am a 13 year Marine Corps veteran discharged for injuries received in combat. This is why I am wanting to grow my own medicine. The painkillers I am prescribed are horrible on your liver and to take enough so I can sleep leaves me "hung over" the next day. I have PTSD with associated nightmares stemming from the injury incident as well. So that keeps me up a lot too. I also have recurring severe headaches that destroy my appetite lasting for up to 5 or 6 days. In the last 2 years my wife has convinced me to try smoking a little pot. It's been the most comfortable 2 years since I was injured. I can smoke a little to put me to bed w/o messed up nightmares. It seriously edges off the pain enough to be tolerable w/o pills. When I do get headaches... it doesn't get rid of them but it takes enough of an edge off that it's tolerable and I eat.

I have decided to install a T5 HO two level grow cabinet in my garage to take care of my needs. Am a little freaked out about ordering seeds. I don't want to ship to any of my family or friends. If I get busted for this it's my issue... not theirs. I tend to not trust many people anyway, much less enough to score seeds off of. I mean I have connection for weed. But I'd prefer to tell them I am done smoking and not hit them up for seeds to tip them off that I am growing. I just bit the bullet and placed a small order for some feminized Snow White as it's the strain that seems to take the edge off all of my symptoms as opposed to just alleviating one. I am having it shipped to my home. I'll sit on the seeds for a while just to satisfy my already significant paranoia... lol. But I figure if they are going to dick with me for 5 seeds then I was going to get pinched regardless.


Active Member
wow.... cold reception. I know, it's wake and bake Saturday. Yall will start crawling around 10pm.


Active Member
Just placed my order for the equipment I'll need to do a DIY DWC. I am pretty handy and like to build stuff myself. Initially I am going to be transplanting all of my sprouts into soil. I have gardened for years and have a knack for growing difficult plants easily. From what I understand and have read plants in good well maintained soil tend to be very strong plants. I have been making my own compost for ages and have the recipe dialed in. The idea behind going all soil initially is to obtain clones from each and see how each performs when flowering. The inferior mothers I'll flower and enjoy and keep the strongest mother in veg/stasis to take my future cuttings from. I have settled on coco nuggets as a DWC growing medium as I have read nothing but good things about it. I am not going go right into the Snow White. My wife and I are going to spend a couple months practicing our cloning and get a head start on the DWC learning curve by growing tomatoes.

My lighting situation will consist of a 6 bulb 48" T5-HO (old reef aquarium light) unit in the upper part of my cabinet as a flowering station. The lower veg area will be lit by a 4 bulb 24" T5-HO grow light. I may also add supplemental CFL sockets on all 4 walls of the cabinet @ about 10" up from the top of my DWC buckets. I've dealt with halides before in my reef tank. I hate dealing with the heat. I am going to be venting through a scrubber into my garage and don't want to heat the place up. I can deal with the lower yield as I am only supplying mine and my wife's needs. Not interested in high production for sale..... Will be using upholstery adhesive to glue Mylar on every possible surface. This will be a quasi "stealth" grow so I will be building this light tight. It need to pass casual inspection to just look like a locked storage cabinet. Nothing look more out of place than a cabinet glowing from the inside. Sound is not so much an issue. I always have some science project going in the garage and it most always comes with it's own racket.

I'll be venting the cabinet from the ground up. My home is built into a hill. From the front it looks one story. But it's two stories from the back. Half of the garage is built into the hillside and the concrete stays a uniform 60 degrees all summer. So pulling from the floor will give me the coolest air in the garage. The lights will keep it amply warm. But I intend on adding a secondary vent fan rigged to a thermostat just in case it gets too warm it can kick on and vent the excess heat. I will be adding to the airflow via 4 "clip" fans in each level. 2 mounted low and blowing up. 2 mounted high and blowing down. Will probably have to crop, FIM, supercrop and/or SCROG to keep my flowering ladies growing all the wat to the roof of the cabinet.

Once again. I love this site. So much great info.

PS. Once the build gets going I'll be doing a build log and a grow log.