Flowering week1 , 1 plant not flowering


Well-Known Member
grow bibles rock! plants flower when ready. different phenotypes/genotype, an odd seed, an unhealthy plant, damaged roots, temps, rh, whacked ph, all kinds of things can stall flowering, but yours is not stalled according to my grow bible.
some begin flowering while still in the veg room, some take a long time in the flower room to show. about a pound:P
grow bibles rock! plants flower when ready. different phenotypes/genotype, an odd seed, an unhealthy plant, damaged roots, temps, rh, whacked ph, all kinds of things can stall flowering, but yours is not stalled according to my grow bible.
some begin flowering while still in the veg room, some take a long time in the flower room to show. about a pound:P
Thanks for ur replay, im just keep my mind waiting for her start flowering then :)


Well-Known Member
you could alternatively initiate flowering of that one with a dark period of 24 hours, maybe good if you need them to finish around the same time