Finicky girls


Well-Known Member
And I thought the Veg. stage of growing was hard. Looking back it seems Vegging a Cannabis plant was easy as 1, 2, 3,. When they start to flower, look out! The way they grow almost seems counter productive. There nutrient needs become as finicky as a women's needs, I want some of this and a little of that, oops too much of that, now i'll pout. Or rain and dew, which as in the veg. stage is welcomed, becomes a bug, mold, weeping branch, on and on what do I do next run. Than as human nature would have it we self delude ourselves into believing our grows are worth millions of dollars and become almost obsessed with what is going on.
I have not reached the fragrance stage yet, I wonder if I will even be able to go see my plants, the paranoia stage, I definitely won't be able to get stoned before seeing my "finicky girls". They are amazing though, flowers, truly, unruly even a little crazy in there actions, but the end justifies the means.
Because of some auto's I grew I can say "Nothing better than smoking your own grown" I fancy it more than driving a new car, or going on vacation. When you break it down true "Gorilla Growing" is a hard line to tow. So many variables, honestly from A to Z, we Gorilla Growers have to deal with all of it usually on a shoe string budget, in the middle of the night. So lets hang in, hang on, and work together for a bright green future. The season is almost over, a few more weeks, than we will have the job of some how drying this stuff under the ever watchful of everyone. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Guerilla growing takes a certain type of mind to accomplish. They (the women) can drain every last ounce of energy from our sore, dirt infested hands. Waking out to the patch is the most nerve-racking experience. You wonder " are they dead? Maybe someone found your plot, maybe some animals ravaged your ladies". You never know how it's going to go. Approaching the patch, you smell skunky, DANK clouds of fragrance from the snatches Of your ladies (lol). The butterflys in your stomach are creating a tropical storm of your lower Intestine(sp). A yellow jacket stings you on the neck, as you turn to swat it away, you notice a very familiar plant top. You wonder to yourself, that 7ft tree couldn't be.... Ahhh! It is. You stumble across YOUR 7ft tree. The grin on your face can be seen from miles.

That is soon to come to guerilLa growers. Get ready, the time is approaching!
What were we talking about?


Well-Known Member
No, no, real trouble, just the fruits of our labors. In hine sight this will be looked back upon as a great time in our lives. Can you smell it?:peace: