Expert help need asap!!! Please help


Active Member
greetingS & love in the name of the MOST HIGH :O)

Im using the full line of ff nutrients in ffof soil- one of my plants which showed lil bud sites while still in veg (might be autoflower strain idk grew it from a seed another patient gave me) is about at the beginnnin of the 2nd wk of flower and the top cola's leaves have turned all yellow the other shoots look beautiful and healthy and are considerably bigger it is only the main top suffering no lower leaves- i thought it might be from being right next to the door and maybe the panda film was causing a hot spot or something as today i noticed A CPL of the very top leaves canooing upwards- i also noticed one of the lil yellow leaves coming off the main cola had about 2 lil brown spots on it near the middle.

I foliar fed today with some seaweed, superthrive, and then with some grow big b/c i am under the impression its a n deficiency from being in flower? the rest got foliar fed with the same but instead of grow big i used open sesame - my wetting agent is coco-wet -i only foliar fed b/c it was urgent and coudnt wait another cpl days b4 d pots dried n i could water agn - should i foliar feed b4 the lights come on for about the 1st month of flowering anyways? ive heard it increases trichomes and production but then agn i heard to stay away from spraying at all in flower especially after the 3rd wk?-

-i recently added about 4 tblspoons of crushed dolomite garden lime to each 3g pot after noticing my runoff was very low and leaves were showing signs of it. but i havent watered it again yet as its not time yet. sorry i dont have any pics right now - im running a 600w air cooled digi with the glass on b/c of heat issues - i raised it 23" from the canopy b/c i noticed some light burn on the plant right under it -this is my 1st time running an air cooled hood nonehteless in such a small space & ive been told ppl put their air cooled hoods as close as 8" but idk even tho the temps didnt get higher than 78 the plants didnt seem to like it too much. im using a very narrow closet as well but my temps range from 70-74 on the regular with it on and the highest itll get even when i had them lowered down closer was about 78 degrees i never go over 80- temps with the lights off are aroung 67.

well any advice you could send my way would be greatly appreciated as just like everyone else im tryna get the biggest nicest healthiest buds while tryin to stay in these ridiculous guidelines the state has come up for us. also i forgot to mention my extraction fan is hooked up to my light timer so it is off the 12 hrs the light is off and just a fan is on at HI in there - could this be causing some sort of problem as well -would you suggest running 24 hrs kinda dont want to cuz of noise when ppl slp or should i put it on a timer after the lights go out & maybe one hr on and one off or 2 on 2 off w/e- the window is open often so they get plenty of fresh air and co2 coming in from the passive intake at the bottom crack or the doors - but at shut off time i cover that intake with weatherstrip as to not leak light- what do you think? any suggestions? my veg room is on the other side of the wall im thinking of drilling a hole and putting a90 degree elbow or 2 or some insulated ducting with some 90 degree turns butwould this be enough to block the light? also how much growbig should i add during flowering since the charts say to completely stop when you enter flowering and all the pros say they ALLL need plenty of n still for a cpl wks into flowering so i dont get the problem im having now? i know its alot to take in and alot of ?'s :joint:agn any hlp or advice would be greatly appreciated as its all FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATION :peace:

NO STRESS :peace: JAH BLESS :joint:




Well-Known Member
1. paragraphs. wall of text not fun to read.

2. Pics would help.

3. Where do you take your temp. Sounds like burning and heat damage but with out pics this is just a guess.


Active Member
Im sorry man - i just wrote it out like that w/o stopping-cuz idk mr nice guy just sounded jamaican to me in my head :o)

the temp sensor is about a half inch under the top of the canopy


Active Member
With out pics its any ones guess
not true i have a bunch of questions there that can be answered w/o any pics - im not asking about a deficiency i know what it is - im asking about feeding N in flowering among the rest of my ?s that require no pics whatsoever- can anyone else help me?:peace:


Active Member

so any ff users here use grow big in flower? any ff tricks or advice, tweaked feeding schedules? also how close do you guys get your 600w air cooled hoods w/o bleaching the tops - i have two closets side by side if i make a whole in the wall and attach a 90 degree elbow on either side would this be enough to block light and work as a passive intake moving my air from the veg into the flowering closet? +++++++rep 4 advice



Active Member

so any ff users here use grow big in flower? any ff tricks or advice, tweaked feeding schedules? also how close do you guys get your 600w air cooled hoods w/o bleaching the tops - i have two closets side by side if i make a whole in the wall and attach a 90 degree elbow on either side would this be enough to block light and work as a passive intake moving my air from the veg into the flowering closet? +++++++rep 4 advice
