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Well-Known Member
lol dont think there is enough room to fit the mesh in!
Well that's where your experience, and mine meet. I assure you there is.

I would simply take a mesh/screen with the same dimensions as just inside the tent. Lets say your tent is 4X4, you want a 3'11" X 3'11" mesh. Add zip ties to each corner and secure them to the uprights of your tent by putting it in above your plants about a foot. Pull the zip ties tight as to make sure your secure, and then slide the screen down to about 4-6 inches below where your canopy is now (adjust pots so that the canopy is even). Spend the next few hours carefully pulling tops through in a manner that spreads the growth evenly.

Let me know if you would like my help with your first scrog. ;)



Well-Known Member
Here is an update! I'm thinking of going another 3 weeks to make a total of 9 weeks flowering. I gave her 3 ml per gallon of water of Gravity yesterday, and I will do the same tonight. I did also raise my hood an additional 8-10 inches, to avoid getting burned by the Gravity. She is looking real good, and smells even better, I can't wait! But looks like I have too! lol
Getting there. :-P


Well-Known Member
We will greatly miss our friend Irwin.

RIP: Alaskan Pot Pioneer Irwin Ravin Wednesday, 14 April 2010 14:29 The man who legalized marijuana in Alaska passed away on Sunday. In the '70s, Irwin Ravin challenged Alaska's privacy law and won, allowing residents to possess up to four ounces.
Ravin's 1973 arrest for marijuana possession during a traffic stop was intentional. He and fellow lawyer Robert Wagstaff used it as a test case to challenge the state's pot law. Ravin v. Alaska concluded that Alaskans' right to possess marijuana in their homes was constitutionally protected. "The Ravin decision in 1975 was then, and remains still today, 35 years later, the most significant constitutional ruling ever handed down in this country regarding the marijuana laws," says NORML founder Keith Stroup.

"He elected to put himself at risk in order to take the issue to the state Supreme Court," Stroup adds. "He was a true patriot. Based on the right to privacy provisions of the Alaska state constitution, the Alaska Supreme Court held that the laws were unconstitutional as they pertained to marijuana possessed in the home for personal use. As a result, over the years subsequent decisions held that up to four ounces of marijuana in the home were presumed for personal use. Even if a police officer came walking by and smelled someone smoking marijuana, that would not constitute probable cause to make an arrest, or even to obtain a search warrant.

"More recently former Republican Gov. Murkowski attempted to recriminalize marijuana legislatively, and again the courts held the law to be an unconstitutional violation of the right to privacy, and upheld the Ravin decision."

In his later years, Ravin stop practicing law and drove a cab instead in Homer. He suffered a heart attack on Apr. 7 and died at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage four days later. Ravin was 70.

"Certainly, everyone has a story to tell about Irwin Ravin," Mike and Maka Fairman write in a letter to the Homer Tribune. "He was too cool. He did not judge others, in fact, he did not speak much at all to anyone. When he did, it was quiet and to the point. He was a remarkably gentle soul, one that will be missed, sitting in front of the bars, everywhere in Homer that cabs go. Thank you Irwin Ravin for gracing this cosmic hamlet with your presence."

God Bless,



Active Member
Anyone scrogged Sour Diesel? Sounds like this sativa's got legs. Im gonna try a multi strain SROG, but I havent grown this strain yet, just got a clone. Ive got 6 other strains, I have an idea when I'll flip them 12/12. But this one sounds like I should flip early?

trichlone fiend

New Member
:leaf:Sensi Seeds, Big Bud fem.:leaf:
...14 days into flowering, flipped straight from rooting clone.

Simply wonderful!

So tell us about your self. How did you get to where you are? Who's idea for the build? I sure would like to give credit!!!

... thank you!:leaf:
... I started off as a soil grower. Once I exceeded 40 plants or so, I started to calculate the hours I had invested of time with watering/fertilizing...and thought, " there's an easier way!" I stumbled across the Lucas Formula, and knew...that's the idea! ( here's the link if anyone's interested >>> https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/4387-lucas-formula.html )

...also, an influance, was a guy named "Al B Fuct" ( here's the link if anyone's interested >>> https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html )

...the scrog was an idea I decided to go with because my plants were falling all over eachother, no true influance on that part other than many books that I've read, and many videos I've watched...seemed farily easy to construct...just some pvc pipe and green wire w/ screws holding in place seemed to do the job.

Now I have my life back...and my garage isn't full of bags of soil...LOL

....I get a little over 1 lb. per 600w HPS. :bigjoint:

...check out my journal in my sig, many pics.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suspect your question is more related to " finish weight"

An untrained plant will grow as large as its genetics allow. A trained plant that has a screen mesh inches above it, will grow as large as that screen allows/or you allow it to grow beyond....

No matter what you do with your plant, if it is a female its going to produce flowers when the photo period is correct however, given that most plants take a few weeks to become sexually mature, your plant will most likely fill the screen at about that time. I would say if anything its going to be difficult to manage due to the small space and being unable to access the under parts of the plant.

P.S. I have seen many first timers try this....Not the method that I would suggest you use to learn scrog.

P.S.S. I honestly could not tell you if a pre-sexually mature trained plant would produce more once flowered than that of the same plant flowered at sexual maturity without training....


Active Member
Acctually ... I placed a screen about 2.5 inch over the plant that is already 3 inchs so ill post pictures when it starts filling

thanks for the help Woodman


Well-Known Member
Been trying to upload these pics and hoping they load this time.

1/08/10 Scrogged
3/21/10 Harvested
4/18/10 Ready for 4-20-10!!

1/2 lb of San Fernando Valley OG Kush
(it's all I could put in there without overflow)

Have a blazin 4-20





Active Member
wolfscott- That plant is looking awsome!

boomerb-looks like youve done a lot of work out in that shed buddy. do you have a journal to check out so I can see what youve done. Also is the insulation in the coolers enough to not need a chiller?

To scrog or not to scrog that is the question

I took off the screen in my shed this round cause I didnt fill it well enough before flowering. So I havent been posting here anymore, but I love this thread. It is one of my favorites. Keep up the good work scroggers!:peace: