Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
By 1950 standard, Cali would be about to raise the min to $282.15 as you stated earlier. Hell of a standard huh?
Sure guy :rolleyes: you keep that dream alive of making 288,000 a year. Keep me posted on a quarterly update. Trump is the unknown, hell for all I know he might flip again and do things I agree with, but I have the feeling that his presidency will be one of chaos. When do we start building that wall ? What will be the replacement for ObamaCare ? How will we defeat ISIS ? Will the banks get another bailout once they return to the old ways ? I suggest if you don't have at least 425,000 liquid, you better get out and inspect some homes.

He wrote so many checks his ass can't cash, his biggest supporters will soon be his biggest critics, lol. Broken promises from a lying pos


Well-Known Member
Pepe will have lots of work over the next four years..
I think Pepe was an election phenomenon. In the Trump presidency, his purpose will be different, probably becoming a tool of criticism, mainly. It does go to show the power of "meme magic" as a propaganda tool, though.


Well-Known Member
When the popular vote becomes part of the Election process, it will matter. When Michigan and NH come back with results, your honey`s numbers will change. Notice Hillary is not leading the dump Trump charge. After Dec 19, you`ll understand.

I didn`t lose, did.

You'll always be a loser, no matter
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