Does Christmas Makes No Sense Actually To You Too..?

grow space

Well-Known Member
So, like its based on religion, jebus, blaa, blaaa..Most of us in here :mrgreen: dont even belive any religion, we are pagans so do speak:blsmoke:
To me, ist only eating a lot..I take it as getting ready for that harsh winter times!

So does it makes sense to You too ?

Blaze on bongsmiliebongsmilie....:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
I'm an atheist, and I actually like christmas. It was always a lot of fun as a kid: the lights, christmas tree, family, presents. As an adult I was less into it, until having a child of my own - now it's as fun as ever. I don't think of it as a christian holiday - take all the jesus crap out, and most of it is still left. The christians just muscled in on other peoples holidays to begin with. I'm not a pagan, but I also like that aspect of it; celebrating getting past the shortest day of the year and being on our way to spring.


Undercover Mod
Winter Solstice, Pagan holiday, Catholic church hijacked the holiday to promote pagans joining catholic church. We today use it mostly to promote capitalism.


Well-Known Member
well my father's Catholic so it made sense when we were young...all his kids grew up to be atheists, so it's more of a family tradition now.

I went to Catholic school and most of the people in there didn't give a shit about Christmas - it's just a day to give gifts and be cheery nowadays. I mean obviously that's not official but when Catholics start to think of it that way, you've pretty much lost the rest of the world already, right?


Well-Known Member
The 25th of Dec has nothing to do with Jebus; it's the birthday of a buncha pagan gods. For the record, Jesus Christ was born July 23. and catholics started all this nonsense in the 1st place, so i guess you're saying it has come full circle since catholics openly feel this way nowadays. *parochial school survivor*



Active Member
We don't celebrate the invisible man's kid's birthday nor the national obsession with consumerism....

Papa Raazi

The 25th of Dec has nothing to do with Jebus; it's the birthday of a buncha pagan gods. For the record, Jesus Christ was born July 23. and catholics started all this nonsense in the 1st place, so i guess you're saying it has come full circle since catholics openly feel this way nowadays. *parochial school survivor*

+1 for festivus