Does being transgender mean that you are truly a member of your chosen gender?


Well-Known Member
Before you get fired up and call me (whatever you are going to), I am white and heterosexual... I have dated outside my ethnic background. I have fought both white, and blacks in my past, I have a black best friend, and have had several gay friends, both male and female.


Well-Known Member
Everyone does, weather they know it or not. It's SCIENCE.

Weather you like to admit it or not, you are prone to act/speak in different ways is response to visual/smell/ and body language of other animals. It's a survival characteristic. When someone who fits a profile, treats you badly, injures, offends, attacks, etc, etc, you automatically pick things about the other animals characteristic to either avoid, or treat worse than the one before. Don't believe me? EX: I bet its easier to leave a bitch after multiple relationship fails, than it is the first time.
If we all do it, why did you feel a special need to say that's how you do it?


Well-Known Member
If we all do it, why did you feel a special need to say that's how you do it?
I really don't, but in the fictitious world of internet talk (let's play get along) that we all play in the sake of common interest or good/evil, I choose to be non-conformational just as i do in real life. Take that as you will. I live by the rule "If it's not worth dying for, its not worth fighting for." So basically anything internet, does not ruffle a feather. Which to me, even if I am totally called out, it's not worth my time, or energy. That sir or ma'am, is why i posted what i did. I voiced my opinion, and then dissipated, waiting for a response of some kind, positive or negative, does not matter, it all helps in the long run to sharpen my mind, to other peoples perspectives and prejudices.


Well-Known Member
Everyone does, weather they know it or not. It's SCIENCE. ...Weather you like to admit it or not, you are prone to act/speak in different ways is response to visual/smell/ and body language of other animals. It's a survival characteristic. When someone who fits a profile, treats you badly, injures, offends, attacks, etc, etc, you automatically pick things about the other animals characteristic to either avoid, or treat worse than the one before. Don't believe me? EX: I bet its easier to leave a bitch after multiple relationship fails, than it is the first time.
you are a wonder of stupidity.


Well-Known Member
I think a better way to approach the topic hasn't really to do with transgender people, but rather we should examine the way men and women are treated generally in society.

An example before was the Seals opening the application process to women to which I said "that's a good development, as long as the entry standards stay the same and arnt made "easier" for women because its a peak physicality job.

Treat people the same regardless of gender/perceived gender and transsexual-people become just people-people.


Well-Known Member
I think a better way to approach the topic hasn't really to do with transgender people, but rather we should examine the way men and women are treated generally in society.

An example before was the Seals opening the application process to women to which I said "that's a good development, as long as the entry standards stay the same and arnt made "easier" for women because its a peak physicality job.

Treat people the same regardless of gender/perceived gender and transsexual-people become just people-people.
Women are often much better divers than men. They are better for sure with air consumption and often better with decompressing with out fizzing.