do these look like any kinda magic mushroom?


Well-Known Member
Id imagine at this point in summer it might be too hot for magic ones anyways..could be wrong since I don't live there.


Well-Known Member
The only trip you'll get from eating those is to the ER. Let the top of your medium dry out before you water again.


I can't control how much it rains, and the plants havr been growing great when its like this. But thank you for answering my question, no matter how patronizing me like I dont know anything about mushrooms that's nice. Good thing to cause I was just about to eat them regaurdless, what's the worst that can happen right?

If anyone else would like to make some obvious point to seem cool and knowledgeable I guess this is the thread now.


Active Member
eat them immediately!!!! actually dont. i would recommend buying a good field guide, or check one out at the library and for fun see if you can identify them, i bet you cant. its really hard with LBMs.

the worst that could happen? oh maybe kidney or liver failure, or death, thats not so bad right?

the carolinas have the highest percentage of different species of mushrooms of anywhere in the country, so dont risk it- but my guess is its fine they are there, you are probably just in some really good soil.

dont sweat it.


Active Member
also to answer your question it does not look like any kind of magic mushroom. as for species idk, im at work and my field guide is at home, but get a field guide if you can, the interwebs really wont help with this one unless you go to a mycology (not magic mycology) forum.


Well-Known Member
Audubon society feildguide to north american mushrooms..and use an antifungal like a mild sulfer ones patronizing I don't think..


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to be patronizing. I'm an indoor grower so have a tendency to assume other people are growing indoors as well and over watering is a big problem for a lot of growers.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was indoors also...I had a mushroom grow on top of my medium one time and it wasn't just happened..


Well-Known Member
They are growing under all my mj plants, which the soil is topped with horse manure. I'm not looking for yes or no just what kind they might be and ill do my research from there. I'm in south carolina.
NEVER fuck with wild mushrooms. NEVER. Unless you have been in the field and studied with a doctor or a very experienced shroom hunter.
Alright, here are some things to help you tell if they are active, after handling them do they bruise a blue color? Don't eat if they bruise orange. You should also find the spores and upload a picture. But try handling one first.


Well-Known Member
I saw the thread title and laughed out loud then pointed it out to my girlfriend who then said "oh my god!"
If your asking the question for reasons other then to be funny, never eat a mushroom you randomly find. There are countless kinds of mushrooms and life long mushroom pickers die every year. It's not just some harmless growth it's serious and confidence in what your eating is important.


Well-Known Member
I would strongly recommend not messing @ with wild mushrooms unless you really know what you are doing. there's other sites dedicated to identifying and harvesting mushrooms, which imo, would be a much better place to check.
I saw the thread title and laughed out loud then pointed it out to my girlfriend who then said "oh my god!"
If your asking the question for reasons other then to be funny, never eat a mushroom you randomly find. There are countless kinds of mushrooms and life long mushroom pickers die every year. It's not just some harmless growth it's serious and confidence in what your eating is important.
Those hunters clearly don't know what to look for. There are many obvious ways to tell such as bruising and spore print color, instead of just consuming. Don't tell people not to do something without knowing the facts yourself. Yes people are often too stupid when hunting for mushrooms, because they are too ignorant to know what to look for.


Well-Known Member
Those hunters clearly don't know what to look for. There are many obvious ways to tell such as bruising and spore print color, instead of just consuming. Don't tell people not to do something without knowing the facts yourself. Yes people are often too stupid when hunting for mushrooms, because they are too ignorant to know what to look for.
Bro I live in Oregon I know what's up with mushrooms it's a part of local culture. And for real, experienced people do die, I have the facts. I was saying confidence in what your eating is important because things go wrong when your clueless for sure and even a vet picker can make a mistake. I'm not talking cubes or blues here clearly I'm talking other sorts of food mushroom hunters. Magic mushrooms do have distinct traits.

at any rate you shouldn't make judgements or assumptions about people giving harm reduction advise to someone who clearly needed it. I wasn't telling people to fear mushrooms just to be smart with them:wall: