Dark purple stems on cuts


Well-Known Member
I had a few nights where some of my cuttings (2 or 3 weeks after rooting and being transplanted into dirt) got both very cold air and not enough water... a few of them developed very dark, purple stems and were a little stunted... now they have normal new growth, but the main stem of the plant is purple and has not recovered... some of the top stems are almost as thick as the main stem which hasn't thickened like the others that didn't get dark purple. Oops! Will these plants recover enough to be worth flowering or should I just take a bunch of cuttings of the healthy growth and start from scratch?


Well-Known Member
the plants that didn't purple the main stems are almost twice as wide... i'm worried that once they hit flower, the plant's going to flop over/require a lot of support and not put out a lot of flower weight due to having a much smaller main stem. i think i really answered my own question :) i can't do cuts for another week due to some other stuff going on but i'm thinking if i don't see positive signs on the main stem i'm probably going to just take a bunch of cuts for the flower after next... unless someone convinces me otherwise :) i just don't want to put a bunch of time into a plant that's going to yield half what it would have without the stem issue... never really had this issue before though so don't really know for sure. Could be I'll see signs in the next week that the main stem is thickening up and not as jacked up as I think ;)


Well-Known Member
I always ph my water, and the rest of the growth on the plant is normal. They had a little ph flux/burn when they first went into the dirt (it's a pretty rich mix and probably needed to sit a week or two more) but pretty sure the dark purpling came after. Dirt is also limed so even if the water weren't pHed doesn't seem a likely issue. I'm pretty sure the issue was it got pretty cold (<65) for an extended period at a time the roots were getting over that burn/ph issue and not well established.