Crafting an "Early Sunset"


Well-Known Member
I live in the pacific northwest and most growers around here seem to light dep to make sure that they don't get the frost. I have a greenhouse so i can control temps in there, but i was thinking of doing a couple plants next to it. Rather than a full light dep i was thinking of creating an "early sunset" to force flowering.
First off would this work to force flower? I realize there is a threshold of light to trigger a plants "on" phase so does anyone know what it is in PAR lumens or lux etc? And before anyone screams hermi on me... idc. i'm trying this i'm just looking for information. Thanks in advance. I was thinking of a setup like this (very rough):


Active Member
It should work for plants that are used to getting light at 6pm or later. I set up mug hooks around my open greenhouse for hanging tarps up. It seems like it worked last year or the year before, but it's hard to be there every day to do it.


Well-Known Member
It might. but it might not. Wouldn't you hate to waste your time on doing this rather than a full light dep that would give you guaranteed results?


Well-Known Member
Ive seen others do it that way and it seems to work well that's part of why i wasn't worried about herms.

Nope. I sure wouldn't care about the lost product. i don't sell, I give any excess away to friends and family. I'm in this because i like growing and part of growing is trying new things. I like to ask though in case i missed something big and actually waste my time with something that couldn't work. I have always found other experiences valuable. you never know when someone already tried something and found a huge flaw before yourself.


Well-Known Member
hope that didn't sound dickish. twern't suppose ta. Mostly i want to try because if it works it would save HOURS of work each year over a full light dep. I wont shell-out for an automated system and this is the next best thing. i would keep them right next to the green house putting them up would take me all of 30 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, true that. But I figured actual night hours are what make cannabis flower. I have had plants that got shaded by a large tree from 5 pm on and they didnt flower early. But this was from the start of their life. Maybe your plants will recognize the slight lighting change and interpret it as time to flower. Good luck on your ventures bro.


Well-Known Member
Naw I catch what you sayin. Please post the results. Then I wont have to cover my greenhouse in the 100 degree weather every day next season lol


Well-Known Member
Won't work...
care to elaborate? not trying to be rude but blanket statements usually come from ignorance in my experience. i requested information i was hoping to at least get a reason from peoples responses. You seem to think they will receive enough light to stay in you know what the light threshold is before a plant goes into it's "off" mode? Do you have any other evidence to back up your claim?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
care to elaborate? not trying to be rude but blanket statements usually come from ignorance in my experience. i requested information i was hoping to at least get a reason from peoples responses. You seem to think they will receive enough light to stay in you know what the light threshold is before a plant goes into it's "off" mode? Do you have any other evidence to back up your claim?
I have done light deprivation (with success) for 5 years...YOU? I'm not trying to be rude, but if you think you have figured out a shortcut in Light Dep... then by all means, please show us how it's done.
I don't have an explaination other than... Try it yourself.
If you find me as ignorant then you don't know GB...
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Well-Known Member
I have done light deprivation (with success) for 5 years...YOU? I'm not trying to be rude, but if you think you have figured out a shortcut in Light Dep... then by all means, please show us how it's done.
I don't have an explaination other than... Try it yourself.
If you find me as ignorant then you don't know GB...
I wasn't trying to call you ignorant but making claims with no basis in fact is pointless. Please note im not trying to make a shortcut for light dep, im only trying to take an hour of light off at the end of the day not completely control the photoperiod. As for experience well ive been growing for over 10 years already..... this i hardly my first rodeo. I was hoping to get constructive insight...if you don't know why it wont work, then you don't know it wont work! :) Peace friend.


Well-Known Member
My Romulans were really tall and blocked allot of light I think that's why the blueberries flowered early that year. This is pure speculation course...

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Well-Known Member
Excellent! I'll keep working on getting this rigged up. I have an apple tree that blocks the greenhouse partially in the afternoons but it doesn't block a huge amount of light so I don't it will change anything. I'll get photos up this weekend after I get her done. Flowering starts on Sunday (hopefully!)


Well-Known Member
been too long since i updated. so i slapped together a halfassed version of what i wanted, mostly because i found some old scraps and figured what the hell ill use it since i found it.
Now in the last couple of days ive seen pistils start popping up more, might be the start of flowering but im not sure. buddy is running the same strains outdoors and no sign of buds in his yet. if this shit works im setting up a way to block a bit more light with only 1 tarp for next year. for now heres a the setup:
