Can't wipe the smile off my face!


Well-Known Member
I am a recently displaced outdoor grower who allways enjoyed growing but.......Indoor's secound week of flower can't believe the ladie's performances! I'm overwhelemed with the growth and number of top's (over 16 with even canopy!) I look like the cat that ate the canary! My family and friend's all say i'm much mellower and obviously much happier, what's up? Well you all know what it's all about......I can't wait to get up in the morning and go down to the basement (my light's are on 7-7) and open the door and grin....What a trip, much more intence than growing out door's not worrying about any body seeing you or? I find it hard to come upstair's to get my sweety (Wife) up and bathed, dressed, and fed, I give her her medication's and settle her on the porch when she is settled I mosey back down the stair's to the basement and just open the door and grin...maybe open a bottle of seltzer (salt free) fill my sprayer and mist the hell out of the ladie's with there leave's reaching for the 1000 watter. I wish I had done this before but allways thought why bother let mother nature take it's course outside! I really needed something to look foreward too, life's hard and this is my answer!! Wishing you all the same feeling's and success! jack


Well-Known Member
It's so good to see other's can understand the high I get from just looking!!!Thank's to all! And I hope all your bud's turn out like these! can't wait until 37 day mark but I might just burst or something! never saw this bud swell ect outdoor's missed some of the best!!!Keep smiling!!


Well-Known Member
3 weeks from harvest, every single time I open the door I take a deep breath an giggle like a school girl lol then spark a j an smoke the girls out of course while I'm blasting some Marvin Gaye. Lol, ok just kidding about the Marvin Gaye but the rest is true lol.


Well-Known Member
Congrats man, Glad you're enjoying yourself. It's nice to know that others feel the same way. I find it to be a truly soothing practice to just sit and fiddle with my plants.


Active Member
I love that feeling.
My lights are 9:30/9:30 and i find myself several times a day just staring at the plants. I'll walk in to my bedroom to get something and go past my closet and just get sucked in.
I'm about to finish up my 3rd grow the first two were under a 400 watt hps and the 3rd started under a 400 watt and about 5 weeks in i upgraded to a 1000 watt... I can't wait to see what i start bringing in next.


Well-Known Member
understood! It grab's my attention even when I'm upstair's (my grow's basement!) 1000watter too!! I'll show you mine if you show me your's! ha ha. Post pic's if you can! it's such a rush! jackowl's shawdow3 020.jpgGood Morning!!.jpg

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
you know, I am smiling as I am reading this post. It is just an awesome experience to grow and watch grow these wonderful plants. I am on my third grow and it still is rewarding and exciting to watch them grow. I have never grown outdoors so I cannot compare, but tis an awesome constructive project. Therapy


Well-Known Member
Smiling is easy with those....Hoping you enjoy the fruit's of your labor to the max! looks good bet it tastes better! are they all single stemed plant's?sog? I grow larger plant's with 12-16 top's about same space! Thought about more smaller.....would like to know if you have gone that route as I have not grown more than 6 plant's in 4foot square 8foot high space my brother! (doe's awesome so haven't changed yet but curious about yield variation's) I'm a 50 year outdoor grower just moved it! but used to larger sativa varietie's but to have them at home is awesome!!!


Well-Known Member
All those girls are min. 3 foot tall. Each one has a min of 2 tops majority has 3. 5.5x10x5x8 is the size of the room. Average without co2 is 3.5 p's. With co2 I'm hoping to hit 4.5 to 5 p's. With 2x1000w lights.


Well-Known Member
Nice set my friend! My spact is tiny 4x4 but I constatnly yield 2lbs dry for 10 week's! only one 1000watter! I have no room but...I envy you my friend! Keep smiling! jack