Can Spidermites destroy the bud?


Active Member
I was checking trichomes yesterday and saw a spidermite on a sugar leaf. Can spidermites destroy the buds? The crop is maybe one to two weeks from completion.



Well-Known Member
when you hang the buds the living mites
will crawl to the top. The dead mites will
of course still be in there.


Well-Known Member
Nuke Em can be sprayed up to and even after on the plants/buds are your stage the health of the plants will quickly go down hill if something is not done pronto. You can then wash down everything to wash off with fresh water the dead mites, webs, etc. Keep fans on until wet plants/buds are dry.


Spider mites use the nectar in the leaf's tissue for food. They will continue eating til nothings left. Try cold blasts of water because you are too close to harvest. Anything that you use now will affect taste. Depending on how severe the outbreak is, your crop may be a complete loss.


Well-Known Member
I'd hit them with a pyrethrum bomb and if it kills the adults, keep hitting them every couple days. This stuff will not kill the eggs so repeat treatments will be necessary. Try not to bomb for about 4 days before harvesting and the pyrethrum should be gone by then. It breaks down quickly. Works on many varieties of mites, but not all. Good luck! Hate those fuckers...


Well-Known Member
See if you can lower your temps to keep them from multiplying too much. In two weeks harvest then sterilize your grow room. If you have to spray the buds don't spray anything stronger than water at this late stage.


Well-Known Member
when you hang the buds the living mites
will crawl to the top. The dead mites will
of course still be in there.
I've always noted buds drying with mites become covered in webs before they leave, infested with eggs that hatch causing more bugs.. really an easy way to recontaminate next grow.


Well-Known Member
When hung upside down they crawl to the top and sit on the stem like retards.
At least thats what happened once when I got hit hard.
But I dont doubt your right.

I bomb between grows so reinfestation
is not a problem.
I have had them 3 times in the last two years.
I think they like me

Ill post a pic of them huddled atop the stem.
Really gross.


Active Member
I had them last grow...happened week 7...i mean overnight...idk what happened...but they appeared out of nowhere...i power sprayed with water right away and i was so freaked out that i harvested early...not to meantion that i saw a seed in one of the right away it was a done deal...this harvest...i'm doing Afghan Kush and at week 2 i saw a few...then i looked under a bunch of the leaves and saw black dots...i immediately got some Natria Spray from homedepot and lightly sprayed her down...also good to whipe the leaves...but i have 2 plants...both over its hard to get me on my toes now...i'm not going to slack up on it...i hate mites and they just wont go away...


Active Member
If i were you, id grab a scope if you don't already have think you saw one...but most have have to really look hard...they are micro man...


Active Member
I was checking trichomes yesterday and saw a spidermite on a sugar leaf. Can spidermites destroy the buds? The crop is maybe one to two weeks from completion.

I was reading comments on YouTube and they were cracking me up. Here is what the uploaders said: "MarijuanaGrowersHQ 1 year ago"Haha! you guys are cracking us up! all the speculation about this being intentional. So here's the story, this was a control group for an experiment in the effectiveness of miticidal sprays. The article will not be done for a while but we just HAD to show this video. So enjoy."

Thanks for all the input on this. I have a Hot Shot No-Pest Strip in the tent which is probably the only reason the little buggers are not worse. Another guy posted this: "mighty wash 2 times monthly...i also 2/4times a month swith up with neem oil and hotpepper spray to keep them from wanting to feed off the leaves if there are any on it ;). mighty wash kils eggs and bugs on contact. neem and hot pepper spray coat the leaves making it not want to feed and cannot feed. then any eggs and live get hit and killed with mighty wash"

Thanks for the help. The spider mite I saw was colored half dark and half amber and on the bottom of the leaf. I saw him with the 60x-12mm loupe with the leaf on the table. That video gives me the hebe jebe's.