Calling all Nerds, looking for a high quality macro lens.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm in the same spot but with a t1i I asked Nugs earlier which lens he defaults to most but I know he's busy. I was thinking of picking up one of the ef macro lenses I think there are two available the 50 mm or 100 mm macro lens. At least those are the ones I found.


Well-Known Member
I have the ef 50 mm macro, that's what I used this past year but I'm looking for something with even more detail. I'll sell you mine used, shoot me a message if your interested.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys the photography section just got made, and I made a thread were we can discuss this kinda stuff :D Drop by and show some love nerds!

:peace: Spliff


Well-Known Member
I use the 100mm canon macro lens with t3i

Smoking before & during shooting helps

hey bro was hoping you would chime in, can you be more specific with what type of 100 mm macro lens you use?? there's a shit load of them out there.



Well-Known Member
hey bro was hoping you would chime in, can you be more specific with what type of 100 mm macro lens you use?? there's a shit load of them out there.

Only use Cannon brand lenses with your Cannon camera, generic off brand lenses don't have the same sensors in them that have different frequencies. Pay the extra for the Cannon, and save your money on not having to buy a new camera.


Well-Known Member
Only use Cannon brand lenses with your Cannon camera, generic off brand lenses don't have the same sensors in them that have different frequencies. Pay the extra for the Cannon, and save your money on not having to buy a new camera.
That's what I plan on and have been using


Well-Known Member
I am a Mega Fan of the Sigma 105 2.8 Macro its earned me 47 full page shots and a book or two. Get the Ring Flash at the same time.

The Nikkor is slightly better but3x as costly and will only work on a Nikon.



Well-Known Member
^^^^^^right, great choice for Nikon guys........i fucked up and went with a cheap tamron macro lens for my nikon, and still regret it a year later......what ever lens you get (esp. if it is a make other than your cam)...make certain it is compatible with the lens function "motor" on you cam body........sometimes online info can be mis-leading....try to deal directly with cannon or nikon for compatibility questions......remember, the lens is just as important, if not more as the camera itself, as it is the eyes of the set up.


Well-Known Member
Looking for a really nice macro lens to take some epic pics this upcoming year.

The camera I use is a Canon Rebel T2i

A friend recommended this lens

But I'm wondering if you guys have any other suggestions.

You don't need that MP 65.
get the 100 mm Macro by canon thats what I use.Sigma also has a 105 mm lense.

That MP 65 is best suited for full frame camera's and is strictly manual operation.


Well-Known Member
Check out Monkeys lens he shoots Praying Mantis with Cannon some true 2/1 ratio
I think thats the 100 ML



I'm no photog geek and I'm sure there are quite a few members here with more experience than I. However, have been a dslr owner for around 5 years and have taken mostly macro shots...and did a lot of gear research. For a different hobby, I needed a quality macro lense, so I got a canon f2.8L macro IS was overkill for my needs but didn't know that at the time.

If I were going to buy another macro lense today I would consider canon, tamron, or sigma brands (and it'd probably be in the 50-60 mm range since I find the wider angle lense to be easier to work with...more depth of field which for me translates into a higher percentage of keeper photos.)

Fanboys of each brand will swear that the others are inferior... Any can give you great results. Just make sure that the lens is compatible with canon mount auto focus (I believe younsaid you had a canon body). Otherwise you can only focus manually...not terrible but why not make life easier.

I have a good friend that works professionally as a photographer. He shoots Nikon bodies, has a lot of nikon glass but also he swears by tamron lenses and his photos are spectacular - great compositions, excellent eye for lighting, framing and depth of field. I couldn't come close to his level even if I was using the most expensive gear available.

If you can, borrow some lenses from friends and test them out to see what you like working with best. Or you could rent lenses through online photog rental services. If not just keep researching until you feel confident in a purchase.

Below are links to user reviews for macro lenses on fredmiranda...great photography forum btw. There are certainly more options, these are just some of the the ones I would look into.






General reviews page

By the way, what kind of bud shots do you want to take?

For me to get a shot of two 6 wk old plants I need to be several feet away from them to fit them in frame.. I can get nice single bud shots from 1-2 ft away, and I can get somewhat decent shots of trichomes using the closeest focal distance which is only a few inches away. For the trichomes shots I really need a tripod to help eliminate shake and the depth of field is so narrow that I can only get a few millimeters of trichs in focus...I don't bother with close up trich shots anymore as a result.
Looking for a really nice macro lens to take some epic pics this upcoming year.

The camera I use is a Canon Rebel T2i

A friend recommended this lens

But I'm wondering if you guys have any other suggestions.

I also shoot t2i & I love the canon 100macro ( I call it Mac daddy) works awesome up close, super clear has IS, also with the crop sensor functions as a shorter range telephoto & with some creative angling is awesome as a portrait lens. Plus the f2.8 is sweet. I' ll try to get some macros of my stuff up soon


Well-Known Member