Cali cops


Well-Known Member
Have been looking at moving to CA in the next year or two -- was just reading earlier that sobriety checkpoints and random stops without cause are legal there -- have any of you ever actually been involved in those or are they pretty rare?


Active Member
Take a week long vacation to the area you're considering moving into to get a feel for it before you get to serious. What you read vs what it's actually like can be two completely different things. Personally I think most area's of California are pretty kick back outside of the city.


Well-Known Member
I live on a street they do several checkpoints a year on. It sucks when they do them because all side streets are occupied by motor units until the checkpoint is closed. But for the most part you shouldn't really have to worry about them.


Well-Known Member
Take a week long vacation to the area you're considering moving into to get a feel for it before you get to serious. What you read vs what it's actually like can be two completely different things. Personally I think most area's of California are pretty kick back outside of the city.
Already did and had no issues. We have them here but they are usually only near bars with high #s of dui arrests late at night, and they gotta at least make up a reason to pull you over ;) It's kinda surprising to hear they do it in CA. Seems pretty common based on how many that fb page shows.


Well-Known Member
Their looking for drunk drivers, not stoners. Don't drink and drive you'll be fine. Drunk drivers are fucking losers anyway!


Well-Known Member
They can't for no reason but it's not hard for them to make one up. They are not sitting around pulling everyone over making sure they are following the laws...those checkpoints are around events, bars, and downtowns. Late at night driving could get pulled over for some stupid reason but if you aren't drunk or have a stinky dank car then you should be fine.

Me and my girlfriend were pulled over for an out tail light. I was totally shitted and she was 100% sober...she was driving. Pulled us over said the tail light was been drinking. Got her out of the car and talked/made her follow the light. Meanwhile I'm in the passenger seat holding back the yack! Went home to change the bulb right away and it was working fine and to this day still is.

Usually the unwarranted stops are checking for drunks


Active Member
i went thru one with about a qp of kush one time (woke up GF drove home the "wrong" way i would have avoided it) showed officer my rec and another jar of a few small buds that i blamed for the smell he asked if we had been smoking told him no he let me go told me to drive safe

that being said i live in a city where thr r DUI checkpoints every weekend and on most major holidays too. they all seem to be in certain areas of town (in my city its the poor side) they r pretty easy to spot here since they do them on busier four lane rds. the intersections r usually switched over to blinking red instead of standard gree-yellow-red theses r easy to spot and i just turn if i see that a few blocks ahead go around. even if i am dead sober still dont like talking to cops


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Oh not only sobriety checkpoints but we also have smog checkpoints! The BAR sends out a roadside team to check random cars :) We are a one of a kind place. Oh and yes I've had the joy of experiencing both.


Well-Known Member
Be legal, be polite, and be respectful, and you got nothin to worry about. Drive drunk and I'll gladly report your ass to the police.


Well-Known Member
Checkpoints aren't that common. So Cal is a big area, and you can go literally years without running into them. I myself have never run into a roadside smog (which are still voluntary, I believe) and I have lived in So Cal my whole life.

And yeah, be polite and respectful and you have almost nothing to worry about. All in all, the biggest thing you can do to deter cops is to have a plain, newer car that blends in, that has everything in order. Tags up to date, no tail lights out, etc. Dark tint on windows = pulled over. Lowered ricemobile with fart can pipe = pulled over. Crappy car with mexican, black, or trashy white guy = pulled over.


Well-Known Member
All in all, the biggest thing you can do to deter cops is to have a plain, newer car that blends in, that has everything in order. Tags up to date, no tail lights out, etc. Dark tint on windows = pulled over. Lowered ricemobile with fart can pipe = pulled over. Crappy car with mexican, black, or trashy white guy = pulled over.
This has always been my method too... stealth vehicle... don't look like a pothead if you don't want issues... i been pulled over by cops multiple times without issues both carrying good amounts and after having smoked even. Not in a long time though as I try not to give them any reason :)


Active Member
The comments about cali roads are true. But specifically the Highway Patrol is who you look for. My experience is the same.
I was pulled over with a Lb. In my trunk by local SFPD and i showed them my card and they smelled it and put in my trunk. And let me go.

I bought a mazda wagon after selling my black mercedes. I was driving in the 580 East leaving Tracy on my to Hayward and i got nabbed in Pleasanton and i just finished smoking vape pen. I had to do sobriety check and let me go too. I vowed never to repeat it

But on the other hand i see people smoke right in front of police in Oakland all the time.
Same thing in San Francisco.

In general be safe..dont drive impared. Be cognizant of your speed and surroundings. Dont bump your music.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Checkpoints aren't that common. So Cal is a big area, and you can go literally years without running into them. I myself have never run into a roadside smog (which are still voluntary, I believe) and I have lived in So Cal my whole life. ...snip....
LOL I too am a CA native and haven't seen a lot of them either. But I have seen them. While they aren't all that common, and the BAR's at least is voluntary, they always have CHP with them and they speak with you. The CHP isn't focused on smog they are looking for 'other' things. If I have anything in my car it's locked in a locked box in the trunk. My point was don't let your guard down thinking, "Oh it's only the BAR."


Active Member
But on the other hand i see people smoke right in front of police in Oakland all the time.
Same thing in San Francisco.
LOL i was smoking in SF right in front of bike cops on the wharf and these tourists were talking shit like it was fucked up for me to b doing that told them to go home and try that shit SFPD doesnt GAF about weed i also drink right in front of them all the time if u r not stumbling pissing causing trouble no problem


Well-Known Member
Haha those people are funny... What's next were they going to be shocked to see gay people out in public? ;) the people smoking are the LEAST of their worries in SF :) I guess they didn't get a chance to catch the people walking around on hard drugs :)


Active Member
Haha those people are funny... What's next were they going to be shocked to see gay people out in public? ;) the people smoking are the LEAST of their worries in SF :) I guess they didn't get a chance to catch the people walking around on hard drugs :)
ppl trip when i smoke at disneyland too