Bubble bag ? "bag by bag, or, bag in bag?"


Well-Known Member
So I've purchased my first set of bubble bags. 5 bags, and I'm so excited. Firstly because these are a new style bag, the whole bag is the screen, not just the bottom. Very nice workmanship, durable, strong bags. 130$ for 5 bags. Good deal too. ill take some pics if anyone is interested, you probably haven't seen the full bag made of screen, I guess they even stopped making the old "traditional style" bag because ppl love these ones. Ill be sure to review them when done

On to the question! I've seen bags used filtering through, one by one, back and forth (subcool does it this way so I'm thinking its better for some reason, unknown to me), or bag inside bag, inside bag, etc and its done in 1 easy filtration.

Can anyone explain any difference in yield, quality, or anything? Pros n cons would be great. I'm thinking 1 by 1 will be better, since it will take longer, and most things do, but will be more thorough. But if the same end result could be had with 1 step then that will be best.

Also even if 1 x 1 is normally better, maybe with my new style "full screen" then "bag in bag" will be just as good seeing as so much more screen (surface area) is exposed.

At first I was skeptical of the strength of the "new bags" but after checking them out they seem to be just as strong. Also you could probably fir a lot more material without losing quality, and the whole process should be easier and yield more is my opinion.


Well-Known Member
i would love to see your bags and to hear a review of how you like them. i have been wanting to switch over for a while now.

i use each bag individually. i mix mine trim in my washer then it all goes into empty 5 gallon buckets. from there it gets poured thru each bag one bag at a time. it may take a little longer, but it gives you a lot better control over things. trying to stack multiple bags can get clumsy and messy.

i am very curious to see how your bags work. do you have a link to where you got them? :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks fdd, I just took some pics. I was thinking bag by bag is best. I got my bags from my hydro shop, but the website is www.seans1000watt.com . Definately get the 5 bag kit, besides having 2 extra bags the 5 bag kit is better quality for some reason. The 3 bag kit isn't color coded like the 5 bag kit. Here's the pics. Any more input is greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
i want.

can't find a working site to sell me any. i'm trying that link, then links from it, but still can't find the actual product for sale. i'll keep looking.

thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
888 732 6715
Id ask specifically for the complete screen style, the hydro shop said there not going to have the older style anymore, but they did have a few of the older style bags left.