Best soil for outdoor growing?


Active Member
I was thinking of the Terra Pro but i dont really know. anyone know what the best is in their minds?
I use to mix my own but going with foxfarms ocean forest i heard good things with this shit. just add 1/3 perlite -2 cups worm poo
1/3 coco fibers or peat moss


Well-Known Member
is there an soil i can buy without having to mix anything in it. cause imm going to mix it with natural soil too.


Active Member
is there an soil i can buy without having to mix anything in it. cause imm going to mix it with natural soil too.
all you really need is foxfarm ocean forest . go to and check this shit can find a store that has it close to you on there web


Well-Known Member
I've been doing some research and ocean forest mixture is good, but don't start seedlings in it, you need more pure soil then that, as ocean forest will burn seedlings.