Beau's Stealth AeroGarden Grow!


Well-Known Member
hey all!

tis the season for growing, so thats what ima do.

I will be starting the babies off with the aerogarden lights. Im gonna grow in soil cause i believe you cant beat it. This is my first documented grow; my second grow in total.

I am using 10 seeds i got from a friend of mine. they are a cross between super silver surfer, orange, and og kush. so he named the strain, Super Orange Kush!

I started the germination process 4 days ago and planted yesterday morning. i have the lights on 24/7. I dont know if i should have em on 18/6 or 16/8, let me know.

I am growing in my closet on top a dresser. I have a 4ft tall by 2ft wide and 2ft deep cubby on the side where they will move to once they are bigger.

I will be buying an LED Pro Gro 180 selective light for later.

Here are a few pics to start off this journal!



babies day 1:

babies day 1:

aerogarden closet area: Grow 1 AeroGarden 2010/Vegetative/DSC_0202.jpg

aerogarden area:



Well-Known Member
Its now day 6 of the grow and the second set of leaves are about the same size as the first set.(serrated leaves that is)

Some pics comin in the next post. too much change ever day to upload so many pictures!

everything else looks fine so far. growth has slowed down a little, don know why. they are in bigger pots, transplanted last night.

they are on a 24/0 light cycle. maybe i should change it to 18/6?
