Barneys Seeds Flowering Nightmares (x2)


Well-Known Member
Have two plants of Barneys Cookies Kush which have been nothing short of a nightmare. Which Im finding out now seems like a pretty common issue of Barney's strains.

Theyre both on day 41 of flowering.
Temperature and humidity are ideal.
Was using 11-35-15 nutrients about once a week. pH between 6.4-6.6

The one is a huge issue. It definitely is suffering from excess nitrogen, but the yellow/browning I was at first thinking was another magnesium problem, but its getting worse. I already gave epsom salt and water (1 tablespoon to 1 gallon water) about 4-5 days ago and not much change, if anything its gotten worse or now something else.

The second I dont think I should be too worried about. I dont like how pale its become, but thats all it is, just pale; no spotting. Especially when its compared to a G13 strain right next to it which has been a dream.


