Are these autos stunted? First grow. Tyrone's Special.


This is my first grow ever and wanted to know if these seem ok or stunted or anything? They are 18 days from seed, only about 2 inches tall and 2 are showing preflowers on them. I checked out some logs of the tyrones and seems most peoples flower around day 24 and harvest around day 60.

I'm in 2x4x6 tent with 4 3 gal pots filled with Roots Organic soil with extra perlite added. Using 2 300 watt King Led panels. Any other questions let me know.



Been using 20/4 since they sprouted. Plan to use it up to harvest. lights probably about 18"-20" above them right now.


Well-Known Member
That's weird. Could have been some overwatering or something that slowed the growth just enough to cause her to do that. I've never grown an auto that I know of so I don't really know. But that could be it.


Well-Known Member
Quick flowering autos will show sex early, I had one @ 16 days but three weeks is about norm. She does look a bit small, try watering a bit less per watering. She's still small so three gals of wet soil will take a while to dry. You could also have a fan blowing on your fabric bags to help dry them until the roots fill the pot. All this, is if your wet/dry cycle ain't dailed in.
But yes, she's stunted. She'll stretch but I'm guessing <12" of high quality buds (hopefully).


Well I forgot to add some things. All but one of the pots I added some soil to because it compacted after waterings but the fourth one im waiting for it to get a bit taller before adding more soil. Maybe thats why they look a bit small for their age? I took the pics a day or two ago and they look like they've grown an inch since then.

I've given them half a gallon each once a week/when needed. The top half was dry and below that a moisture meter said it was just on the edge of dry. I've had about 20%-30% RH up until yesterday as well. I got a humidifier and now it's up to 50% so hopefully it helps.


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 gal w/ffof & perlite( a lot), I'm watering close to 3/4 every 2 to 2.5 days. Planning on upping as she flowers, around 1.5 months old, I think.
You planning on nutes, if so what kind? Your little plants look healthy, just small, good luck!


Um...I had this auto flowering AK-48 from nirvana and at the beginning the growth is really slow, but when i switched to 12/12, it just grew like crazy, growing at least 3cm per day til it's about 140cm high. I swear to god, it's crazy


I've got 3 gal w/ffof & perlite( a lot), I'm watering close to 3/4 every 2 to 2.5 days. Planning on upping as she flowers, around 1.5 months old, I think.
You planning on nutes, if so what kind? Your little plants look healthy, just small, good luck!
That sounds good are you growing autos as well? what strain if ya dont mind me asking? You gonna use any nutes or nah?
So far I've been using a small amount of calmag and kelp every other watering. Once it starts to flower I plan to start using a small amount of maxibloom and move it up each week a little in strength following the "Lucas Formula" to full strength at the end. Hope it works well but it's all half the fun learning and all I think for me.


Well-Known Member
I've got Tyrone Special & a Fast Buds Gorilla Glue. Been running grow big & tiger bloom - Tyrone looks the best, since I started feeding regular & keeping up with ph. I'd start out light - autos won't feed as much as photos, you may not reach full strength.
Are you only running TS?


Nice, I've heard good things about Gorilla Glue. What kind of light are you using? I only have these two King leds I posted planning to use them till harvest. I may upgrade during flower but it's hard trying to decide what kind of cob set up to go with.
Yeah, just TS. Hopefully they do well. Maybe I'll give gorilla glue a go next time.


Well-Known Member
autos are weird.. You never really know what you're going to get. Growth seems to be about a week behind, but every time I grow an auto I come on here and ask the same question as you :) It usually works out pretty well...

As I recall I ran veg nutes 2 week into flower then switched to bloom. I doubt they require much nutes though. Those are small plants in a big pot with a nutrient rich mix.


Well-Known Member
4-4-15.jpg 4-9-15.jpg 4-16-15-2.jpg 4-23-15.jpg 4-29-15.jpg
See how fast this one progressed after it rooted... first pic is probably week 2 or 3.


Well-Known Member
Yea, if you are used to photos the lifecycle of autos can be kind of worrisome at first.... It'll grow...

How's it going? any updates?.


Yea, if you are used to photos the lifecycle of autos can be kind of worrisome at first.... It'll grow...

How's it going? any updates?.
Thanks for asking. Here's my 4 Tyrone's. I've been ponytailing three of them for the last three days 8 hours each day and stopped today. It seems to have worked and big one got real bushy. I took the pics yesterday and they grew a cm sense yesterday. The leaves on top in pic look lil twisty but it from ponytailing. They're back to flattened out now and really taking off it seems.

How do you think they look? Thanks for the help.

