Any suggestions???? Maybe leaf miners?


Well-Known Member
Because the damage looks like thrips damage?

Thrips are VERY stealthy...They completely slipped my detection the first few times I saw damage like that on my plants....and then...I saw one. Once I spotted one, I started to see more of them. I haven't had leaf miner damage...yet...*knock on wood*...So maybe you're right. You asked for suggestions. I'm giving you mine as to what it might be...I think it might be thrips.


Well-Known Member
Look at the underside of the leaves that have some marks on them...look very VERY closely with a bright light and a magnifying glass...
Look at the underside of the leaves that have some marks on them...look very VERY closely with a bright light and a magnifying glass...
Yea I looked the plants over completely. Even looked at the leaves with my 60x. The plants are still growing fine just don't know what's going on with them
Leaf miners I have killed about 20 adults it seems like they are on the ropes now. Going to just keep a eye on the adults and kill them as I see them.