Any One Play Wii?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
So i modded my Wii and i have to say this is tits...i can load games off a USB drive, play burnt backups, and even rip games to my HDD...crazy stuff...

Anyways i got Black opps and whipped through that in an afternoon and now i am looking for something new...what titles do you guys play? I am more into first person shooters and have been know to get into some RPGs but not many.... I also grabed Guitar hero 6 and highly recommend it....great song list

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Guitar hero or rock band (the controllers are not compatible with each other though; ie rock band instruments only work with rock band games).

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Guitar hero or rock band (the controllers are not compatible with each other though; ie rock band instruments only work with rock band games).
Yeah i haven't got into rock band for that exact reason....i already have three guitar hero guitars (xbox360, wii, ps2) and i am not keen on buying equipment that only works for one game...made that mistake on mech assault for Xbox1

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Well it's not really one game, it's the whole series. Rockband, rockband 2, rockband 3, rockband green day, rockband beatles. Now that your wii is modded you can acquire all those games for free from torrent sites. I have working copies of everything but rock band 2.

I don't really do much on mine besides that. My job/gf/family/house/grow room keeps me busy enough. I do use mine to play video files. I just started watching breaking bad.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i got a 360 too. just no internet connection at home...I am working on modding that too, but the parts are in the mail... I got SMG today and can't wait to try it, also got Remington Hunting, and Bully


Well-Known Member
xbox live is fun man, i recommend it. plus if you subscribe to netflix instant (it's like 8 bucks a month) you can watch all the netflix movies instantly on your tv through it. pretty sweet.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Yeah i miss live... i cannot stress that enough...i have been playing on PSN at my sister's place but it's not the same...I miss MW on live...i also have netflix too and would love to bump down to the $8 but my lack of internet kicks my ass every time..i don't even miss cable TV just the internet.


Well-Known Member
yeah we dont have cable tv here either, just internet and an antenna for the tv. we're moving soon though and might consider it. are you posting from work or somethin?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
yeah we dont have cable tv here either, just internet and an antenna for the tv. we're moving soon though and might consider it. are you posting from work or somethin?
Yeah work on my lunch breaks (free WiFi) or whenever i can pick up my neighbors(but that is like dial up) or when i watch my nephews


Well-Known Member
i am spolied over here. I have cable with movie channels, all HD and I have xbox, games, xbox live & netflix. i also have a cable modem but i am on the waiting list for ATT universe and Fios. I wish they would HURRY and bring it to me!!!!