Any bright ideas? In need of creative grower's minds!


Okay, so I've been researching hardcore. In fact, it's all I've been doing. I've never grown, but I plan on trying my hand at it soon. I've been trying to get absolutely every detail worked out before I even buy any supplies. I need ideas, because I have a feeling mine are shit :/
I'm hoping to grow in this:

I know it's small, but I'm thinking it could work if I played my cards right. I was thinking of just going with soil, a short height strain (i.e. lowryder), and possibly a scrog screen. The mini fridge has a small fan built in the back, but that only blows IN, will that take the smell during flowering OUT?
And advice or suggestions for making this grow any easier is much appreciated! :hump:



New Member
T-5 i think are ganna be your freind on this project also you should see about buying a little kegerater co2 tank if the box is to be inclosed you need to be able to perge the air but you can probley get 4 inch exast and pump it any where out of site id check out the Emily's garden from hydro farm it house six plants deep water culture comes with all you need 4 like 70 $ including air pump nuitrents hydroton its nice good luck on you box man


Well-Known Member
it's creative but idk.. i've seen grows in computer towers done and they were alright
are you trying this because of a space issue? if so, how much space do you have


Well-Known Member
You could definately do a micro-grow in that fridge. There needs to be some major modifactions. Rip out the shelving and that bulky interior door panel and go from there. You'll need to cut holes for ventilation and to run your cord(s). If you can maintain the heat a small HPS or better yet a Ceramic Metal Halide would do wonders in that space. It's easy to find 70 and 100 watt HPS lights at your local home improvement store.


Well-Known Member
i have a fridge that size and it seems so small, after you add pots and lights you have what five inches to work with?


Thanks for all the advice!

Howzer: I've already taken out the shelving. But I'm not sure I can get the door shelving off without making a mess and destroying the door. I'm trying to stay conspicuous.

Upthearsenal: Yeah, it's a space issue. As far as where I put the box, I have unlimited room. But I don't have any spare pc towers or anything laying around. I'd like to use something taller, but I can't think of anything I have on hand. :/ I guess I could build a box. And I was thinking, to save room, instead of pots, building a planter in the bottom of the fridge that has more area length and width wise, rather than height.

Sappytree: Thanks for the advice man.


That looks for what I'm going for, the only problem though is that I'm currently unemployed and VERY broke. So the more I can accomplish "DIY", the better.
I hate money. I'm just gonna rob a fucking bank... :(


Well-Known Member
well, if you can get a frame made you can wrap it in mylar that you buy by the sheet/roll. from there you can get something exactly how big or small you want it
and grow your way out of unemployment!


That sounds do-able. I've been asking around on facebook to see if anyone had an old cabinet or dresser or something. I've gotten a couple hits. Idk. I think my biggest spenders will be lights/ballasts and ventilation. I plan on using fluorescent lighting for vegetation and switching to HPS for flowering, which is bound to cause some heat issues. Is there any homade/diy ventilation systems that would be practical, cheap, and effecient enough to keep my airspace in mid 70 F?


Well-Known Member
well, let me just say that i use HPS for everything, you can maybe save money with getting only one light. if you get yourself a good light it will be worth the money. get one with duct fitting so you can run air through it, you can find a inline exhaust fan 250-300 CFM for about 50 bucks, with that you can cool the HPS considerably. although if you want mid 70s you'll need a source of cool air, ie. air conditioner, most likely central air. i don't have central air in my home by i have window units, with a decent unit i can get temps of 84. i don't have a cooltube but if i did i could get temps in the mid-high 70s.